Integrate Target with Experience Cloud Audiences


In this video, you learn how to:

  • Describe audience creation and usage with Analytics and Audience Manager
  • Describe how to import audiences from other Adobe products
  • Explore the Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC) admin panel
  • List the requirements for Experience Cloud ID (ECID)

Intended Audience

  • Developers
Hi, I’m Mike Miner with Adobe and in this video we’re going to cover how to integrate Adobe Target with Experience Cloud audiences or how we can create an audience or a segment in the different Adobe applications and make them available in Target.
So the first thing we’ll do is describe audience creation and usage with Analytics and Audience Manager. We’re not going to go into details about how to create those audiences or segments but we’ll go in and show them to you. But if you want to learn more about the actual creation process you’ll want to go into the training videos for either Audience Manager or Analytics. We’ll describe how to import audiences from the other Adobe products. We’ll explore the admin panel for the Adobe Experience Cloud or the AEC, and we’ll also list the requirements for the Experience Cloud ID service. So first of all, where should you create an audience? That’s a key question to always ask yourself. So solution audiences like Target are still the quickest way to action upon profile data. If you are asking questions like, is the person a new or returning visitor or is the person using a mobile device, creating your audience inside Target gives you the fastest way to action on this data. A real-time audience can be created in either the audience library interface or the Audience Manager interface. These audiences are best used to answer questions around did the person just? For example, questions that real-time audiences are best used to answer could be, did the person add something to their cart or did the person finish an application form? And finally, Analytics audiences are subject to an eight-hour delay or eight hours of latency starting at the time of qualification. Therefore, they’re best used to answer questions around recent behavior. So if you’re asking questions like has the person recently abandoned my site or has the person reached or viewed a product within the last few days, Analytics is your best option there. So just to show you a little bit more of some of the pros and cons that are available you can see that Target has an immediate response and familiar workflow for Target users. But a con can be that it requires some profile scripting and whatnot. Analytics has advanced segmentation, A4T reporting for audiences, some other things, but there is that delay. It is down to eight hours. It was recently changed from a 24 to 48 hour delay to an eight hour delay. So that’s a good thing. But here’s a list of some pros and cons and when you can expect them to become actionable. So let’s go ahead and jump over here to our Target interface and we can see here all these audiences. And what our goal here is to see how we can get audiences from other tools into here. And what I’ve done to make it easy is I’ve created audiences and I’ve put in the name where I created them. So as we go through this, you’re going to see these audiences in these different locations and it’ll help you to understand where they were created. So first, let’s come over here and go to Analytics. In Analytics, we come up to the components section and then go to segments. And in segments, where we’re at, you can see that I have Purchasers Analytics and Equipment Analytics. Now, as I mentioned previously we’re not going to go into the details of the intricacies of how to create segments here. I’ve already created these, but let’s come into this one called Purchasers Analytics and show you the key of how you can get that to show up in Target. So as you can see here I’ve created this a simple segment based on whether or not orders exist. And then down here I checked this box that said make this an Experience Cloud audience. By doing that, it will become available in Target or that is what made that show up over here in Target. So all you need to do is check that box to make the Experience Cloud audience and it will be available there. And I did that for both of these segments that you see here. Now the other two options we have are a little bit easier, a little bit different. They automatically share their audiences to Target. So as you can see here in Audience Manager now, I can actually see more audiences than I could before because when I shared those segments from Analytics they also shared here to Audience Manager. But you can see here that I have this Equipment Analytics, purchasers Analytics but then if I come in here, I can see that I created this one called Experience Pages Audience Manager and Homepage Audience Manager. So if I just come in here I can come look at the segment, see how it’s been created. I can see my segment rules and various things that are in here. So if we go ahead and we click edit, we can come in and we can look at our traits and we can see that the trait that we’ve used here is the homepage trait and that lets us know that it’s the homepage. Now, Audience Manager segment creation is a little bit different than Analytics segment creation or I should say Audience Manager audience creation or segment creation. In that you create traits that then become utilized in segments for Audience Manager. But simply by creating it here it will automatically be shared to Target and be available in the Target segment or to the Target audience section. So as we scroll through here we can see that I have my homepage Audience Manager, we’ll have the Experience pages Audience Manager also. So those are automatically shared. Another place where we can create audiences is here in the Audience library. This is under the People Core services. And to get to that, if I click on the Solutions Switcher Widget and click on People, that will take me to this page right here and I can create a segment here. And any segment I create here is automatically shared to the cloud, including to Target. So we can see here that I’ve named one Men’s Shoppers Audience library and if we come back here to Target, we scroll down we can see Men’s Shoppers from the Audience library. And if we just quickly want to come in here we’ll click new. The Audience library doesn’t give you as many options to edit the segments that you’ve previously created. So if we were just coming there we could create a new one and again it would automatically be shared to the interface. Now the last thing I want to talk about here is customer attributes. You cannot create an audience for Target via customer attributes but what you can do is you can make data available in Target that you can then use to create an audience. So if we just quickly look here at this customer attribute file that I uploaded I’ve given it a name of CRM ID. Now it’s important to remember this 'cause we’re going to see that in just a minute. But when I uploaded this file it’s a small file, there’s only seven records but you can’t upload files with millions of records. You have as many as 200 attributes that you can upload and make available. But if I configure this subscription to these different solutions, and if we give it a minute here to finish loading I’ve shared this to both Analytics and Target.
As you can see here I’ve got Target here as a configured subscription, it’s active. So now if I come back over to Target I can utilize that when I come in to create a new audience.
So I click Create New Audience, we’ll give this a name.
Let’s call it Mike CRM.
If I click Add New Rule, if I come to visitor profile, under the visitor profile, you’ll see, remember that CRM ID that we just saw? I can now utilize that data that I’ve uploaded through that file and create an audience based on that. So let’s say the favorite sport equals skiing.
So I can now create that audience.
And there I now have that new audience created. Now one thing we wanted to look at real quick is just the navigation around the administration panel here, that when we come in here, we can quickly jump to our different tools. You should be relatively familiar with this by now but a couple of kind of hidden gems that are out there are the People Core services which are available through here, and that is available to any client that has any Adobe product. Audience Manager, Analytics, Those would have to be added onto your contract, will have an additional cost, but People Core Services is available as a core service if you have any of the other products. So if you have just Target you can enable the People Core services and create audiences there if you want to.
The last thing we need to talk about is the importance of the Experience Cloud ID service to make all of this work together. The Experience Cloud ID service enables the common identification of users across the different Experience Cloud solutions which in turn allows you to identify the same site visitors and their data and the different solutions via audiences. Okay, so with an Experience Cloud ID set up correctly like you should, all those users get a single identifying number or identifier which is the ECID. Each solution passes its own individual identifier like visitor ID and Analytics. You know, each one has their own different ones. So you must implement the ECID in order for this to work. Now, just some requirements to make this all work together. You’ll see that we have the requirements here on the left-hand side and the versions you need. So the Experience Cloud ID service you must have the visitorAPI.js 2.0 or higher. For Analytics, you must be on AppMeasurement.js or s_code.js H27. Even though that’s no longer supported, you need to be on the dil.js for Audience Manager and Target technically AT.js and Mbox are supported. But keep in mind that the mbox.js file will be unsupported as of August of 2020. So at this point, anything new you do you’ll definitely want to use the at.js. So hopefully now you understand better how you can utilize audiences and segments from Analytics and Audience Manager and share those with Target.
You understand how to navigate around the admin panel and you also understand the requirements for the ECID.

For more information, visit the documentation.
