Configure Enterprise User Permissions


In this video, you learn how to:

  • Differentiate admin user level permissions
  • Configure Target permissions
  • Create workspaces and regulate access

Intended Audience

  • Administrators
  • Developers
  • Architects
Hi, I’m Mike Mineer. In this video, we will cover how to configure enterprise user permissions within Adobe Target.
By the end of this video, you should be able to differentiate admin user level permissions, configure target permissions as needed, and create workspaces and regulate access based on the properties within Target.
To get to the AdminConsole, you need to go to When you first log in, you’ll come to this overview page and you can see here all the different Adobe products that I have access to.
We want to find Adobe Target, and go ahead and click to go into specifically the Target profile. Now once in here, at this top level, we have three different settings or access points that we can control. We have first, product profiles, which corresponds directly to workspaces within Target. We have users, who are the users that have access at different levels to Target. And then we have admins, and at this level, the admins will be Target admins. As we dig in a little deeper and we create a new product profile, you’ll see that we can have admins for each of the workspaces, but at this level, this is creating an admin for the entire Target account. So let’s go ahead and come back here, and go to product profiles, and let’s create a new product profile so we can see how this works.
Go ahead and click new profile.
We’ll call it train workspace, give it a brief description here.
Now, with user notifications, it’s probably a good idea to leave this toggled on, because when you add a new user to this profile or to this workspace, they’ll get an email notification informing them they now have access to Target.
We’ll go ahead and click done. And now it’s going to ask us how much access, or what do we want to give them access to? And we control that access through the properties that we’ve created in Target. Now, if we jump over to Target real quick, you can see that we’re here on the setup tab and properties on the left-hand side, and you can see that I have five different properties. Properties are built based on channel and where we want to implement them, and they allow us to control who has access to what with the combination of the properties and the workspaces.
So if we jump back here now, you’ll see that there’s only two listed in this view, but if we come and we click on these different channels, we can see that all five of those that we just saw in the target screen are included here. So we’re going to go ahead and give access to both of these web properties, and we’ll also give them access to the email property.
Go ahead and click save. And now it’s going to take us back to this overview page. It’s showing us that we gave them access to two of two of the web properties, the email property, but not access to the mobile app and the other or API properties. We’re okay with that. Now, which users do we want to add to this particular group? So come back here and click on users. As you can see right now, we don’t have any. So let’s go ahead and add myself here as a user.
Now, once I come down here and I select the user, up on top here, you’ll notice that I now have the option to choose the product role that I want this user to have. There’s three different product roles, observer, editor, or approver. An observer can only view, it’s view access only. They can view the activities, the reports, but they can’t make any changes. An editor can create an activity, make changes to it, but they can’t make that activity go live or deactivate that activity. An approver can do all of those. They can obviously view them, they can create activities, they can also make the activity go live, or push it out to the website. So since this is me, we’ll go ahead and make myself an approver. Go ahead and click save. I now have my first user set up. However, let’s say I’ve also got somebody that’s doing some work with me, but they only need to be an editor. They need to create them, but I want to be able to have the access to have to go in and approve it, so we’ll go ahead and add another user. I’m just going to add one of the many test accounts that I have here.
We’ll go ahead and click save. So we now have two users here. You can add as many users as you need to to each of the workspaces that you create. Now, let’s jump over to admins. For this particular workspace, we don’t have an admin.
Well, we want one. We want somebody that we can put in charge of controlling this particular workspace. So we’re going to go ahead and click add admin, and I’m going to make myself an admin here. I’m an approver for creating activities and whatnot, but I also want to be able to have access to control who else has access to this particular workspace. So there we have it. I’ve added two users and one admin. We’ve already looked at permissions or which properties they’ll have access to. The next thing we can add is developers. These are developers on the back end that we can give some special access to to be able to have access to some of those development tools, including the integrations, which we’ll talk about next. It’s the exact same process where we simply click add.
We’ll say that one of my other users, my test user58 is going to be our developer. We’ll give them access to that. And then we need to set up our integrations. Integrations tie directly into the Adobe I/O console or those integrations that have been set up for Target through there. We don’t see any in the list right now because we haven’t added any. If we click the add integration button, we’ll get a list of all of those integrations that we have set up in the Adobe I/O console. We’re going to go ahead and add these bottom two.
Go ahead and click save. And now we have a couple of integrations that are set up. Now, the developer that we set up can utilize these. Now, one thing to point out, by default, these integrations are set up with observer product role access. That can come to be a problem if that particular integration needs more access.
So we can easily come in here and if we need to change that product role from observer to approver or editor, whatever level we need that to be. We’ve now created a new product profile or workspace to be able to utilize in Target. Now, one final thing I want to talk about are these high-level users and admins that we can set up. So we have these product profiles that we use. The one we just set up, we created users and admins specifically for that particular workspace. Now, what if we have a new user that comes in and we want to give them access to a couple of these different workspaces? We don’t need to go into each one individually. What we can do, if we click on users, we’ll click add user, and we’re going to find this test user02, and we’re going to give them access to some specific workspaces that we have here. You can see that this user has access to the default workspace, but we can also come in and give them access to different workspaces. So we’ll give them access to the one we just created, and also this Target coaching users. We’ll go ahead and click save, and now that user has access to those different accounts.
Let’s see if we can find it.
Wow, I do have a lot of users in there.
Test user02, right there. So now you can see, they have access to the training workspace and one more. We can come in here and see all what this user has access to. Same thing for admins. This is the control admins for the entire Target account. So now you should be able to differentiate the different admin user level permissions that you can create in Target, you should be able to configure Target permissions, both granular, per workspace, and even larger for the entire Target account, admin levels or whatnot, and with that, be able to also create workspaces.

For more information, visit the documentation.
