Report Type for Contacts Without Opportunities report-type-for-contacts-without-opportunities

You may see instructions specifying “Marketo Measure” in the documentation, but still see “Bizible” in your CRM. We are working to have that updated and the rebranding will be reflected in your CRM soon.

In order to report on Contacts with Buyer Touchpoints that are not associated to an Opportunity, you need to create a custom report type.

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Report Types.

  2. Select New Custom Report Type.

  3. Set the Primary Object as “Contacts.” Name the Report Type Label as “Contacts with Buyer Touchpoints.” Use the same naming for the Report Type Name. Within the description input, “Contacts with Buyer Touchpoints.” Save the Report within the “Other” and set the report to “Deployed.”

  4. From there, you will link the Contacts Object to the Buyer Touchpoints Object. Ensure that you choose the button “Each “A” record must have at least one related “B” record.”

  5. Click Save and you are done!
