Marketo Measure Revenue Workflows for Dynamics
- Topics:
- Microsoft Dynamics
Part 1: Estimated Revenue vs Actual Revenue
Marketo Measure points to one standard revenue field out of the box (Actual Revenue) but Dynamics has two standard revenue fields: Actual Revenue and Estimated Revenue. To have pipeline revenue available in the Discover Dashboard, a custom field and a workflow are needed to capture the correct amount from either the Estimated Revenue or the Actual Revenue field depending on whether the Opportunity is Open or Closed (Won).
Step 1: Create custom opportunity amount field in Dynamics
Step 2: Create a workflow that updates both the custom opportunity amount field created in step 1 and the Marketo Measure Opportunity Amount field.
Amount Workflow Instructions:
WORKFLOW #1: Opportunity – Update Marketo Measure Opportunity Amount Field & Custom Field = Estimated Revenue
This workflow runs on open opportunities each time Estimated Revenue changes and updates the Marketo Measure Opportunity Amount field and your custom field to equal the Estimated Revenue field. The workflow should be set to run “Real Time,” but may also be run “on demand” to update open Opportunities.
Provide your Marketo Measure point of contact with the name of the custom opportunity amount field. They update the Marketo Measure App Opportunity Settings to include the name of the custom opportunity amount field. This tells Discover which field to use in reporting.
WORKFLOW #2: Opportunity – Update Marketo Measure Opportunity Amount Field & Custom Field = Actual Revenue
This workflow initiates when a user closes an Opportunity and updates the Marketo Measure Opportunity Amount field and your custom field with the Actual Revenue added to the Opportunity Close form before the Opportunity locks down as closed.
Part 2: Estimated Close Date vs. Actual Close Date
Out of the box, pipeline revenue data is not available in the dashboard because, by default, Dynamics has two stock close date fields: Estimated Close Date and Actual Close Date. Marketo Measure can only point to one close date field in the dashboard and it is pointing to the Actual Close Date.
If open opportunities have no data in the Actual Close Date field, there is no data in the dashboard for open opportunities. That being said, a workflow is needed based on opportunity stage to support both date fields.
Create Custom Close Date Field on the Opportunity Object (Marketo Measure Custom Close Date).
Create a Workflow to update the Marketo Measure Custom Close Date field with the date from either the Estimated Close Date or the Actual Close Date, depending whether the opportunity is open or closed (workflow should be saved to run in real time, but must be run “on demand” at least once to update all current open opps).
Test the workflow and confirm it works.
Customer to provide the Custom Close Date API name to Marketo Measure.
Marketo Measure to update the Marketo Measure app settings to point to the Marketo Measure Custom Close Date field in the Dashboard.
Upon completion of the above steps, run the workflows to update both the Custom Marketo Measure Opp Amount field and the Marketo Measure Custom Close Date field on your historical opportunities to reflect the correct data. This will likely change the modified on/by fields so you should check with your team to see if that presents any issues.
To update the closed opportunities…
- Isolate opportunities that have closed since your Marketo Measure start date up til the workflow is active. This is the group of historical opportunities that you must update via workflow.
- Export all records to Excel.
- Open Excel file, enable content.
- Copy Actual Close Date data to Marketo Measure Custom Close Date.
- Copy Actual Revenue data to Marketo Measure Custom Opportunity Amount and Marketo Measure Opportunity Amount (there are two fields.)
- Save file.
- Import file. Dynamics will recognize this as a file with existing records to update.
- Check for failures on import file.
- If Opp = Open, update custom close date field, custom opp amount field, and Marketo Measure opp amount field to equal Estimated Close Date and Estimated Revenue, respectively.
- If Opp = Closed Won, update custom close date field, custom opp amount field, and Marketo Measure opp amount field to equal Actual Close Date and Actual Revenue, respectively.