REP rep

Replication Agent

Background background

REP identifies enabled replication agents. These are reported because of the potential for issues that should be addressed when upgrading to AEM as a Cloud Service.

Subtypes are used to identify different types of information:

  • forward.replication: Identify the enabled forward replication agents.
  • reverse.replication: Identify the enabled reverse replication agents.
  • standard.replication.agent.modification: Identify the enabled standard replication agents which are modified.
  • custom.replication.agent.detection: Identify the enabled custom replication agents.

AEM as a Cloud Service uses Sling Content Distribution to distribute content from author to publish environments. This is done outside of the AEM runtime using the pipeline service of Adobe I/O. This is automatically configured in the provisioned AEM as a Cloud Service environment.

Possible implications and risks implications-and-risks

  • The configuration of replication has changed with AEM as a Cloud Service. All current replication agents should be reviewed to see which are replaced by standard capability, which configurations must be moved to code, and which are not supported.
  • Any use of replication agents in custom code or workflows should be reviewed while upgrading to AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • Reverse replication is not initially supported in AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • There is no need to configure a separate dispatcher flush agent. This is automatically configured in the AEM as a Cloud Service environment.

Possible solutions solutions

  • See the AEM as a Cloud Service Development Guidelines and release notes for replication agents.
  • Review, refactor, and optimize functionality directly dependent on replication agents to perform business tasks.
  • See how replication is affected by deployment in AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • Please reach out to our AEM Support Team to get clarifications or to address concerns.