IOI ioi

Internal Oak Import

Background background

IOI identifies customer use of internal Oak packages, importing them via OSGi. They are usually exported without any particular version and are intended for consumption only by other Oak bundles or low-level AEM services.

Some of these are used by com.adobe.granite.repository, which sets up a repository for AEM during startup. Another example is the com.adobe.granite.maintenance.oak Adobe bundle, which wraps and provides Oak maintenance tasks.

Possible implications and risks implications-and-risks

  • In a future AEM version internal exports might be removed causing broken dependencies and inactive bundles depending directly on Oak.
  • API in internal exports might change.

Possible solutions solutions

  • Use the Sling Resource API (or the JCR API) instead of low-level access.
  • Avoid depending on internal packages that are not part of any public API or SPI.
  • Please reach out to our AEM Support Team to get clarifications or to address concerns.