Create a wrapper for Acrobat Sign REST API

A custom AEM bundle was developed to create and return the web form to the end user

  • Create Transient Document. The document uploaded through this call is referred to as transient since it is available only for 7 days after the upload. The returned transient document ID can be used in the API calls where the uploaded file needs to be referred. The transient document request is a multipart request consisting of three parts - filename, mime type and the file stream. You can only upload one file at a time in this request.
  • Create web form.This is a primary endpoint which is used to create a new web form. The web form was created in an ACTIVE state to immediately host the web form.
  • Retrieve the web form.Retrieve’s web form the user. This web form is then presented to the calling application for signing the document.

Create Acrobat Sign OSGi configuration

Acrobat Sign REST API require the integration key and email associated with the integration key. These two values are provided as an OSGi configuration properties as shown below


package com.acrobatsign.core.configuration;

import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeDefinition;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition;

@ObjectClassDefinition(name="Acrobat Sign Configuration", description = "Acrobat SignConfiguration")
public @interface AcrobatSignConfiguration
    @AttributeDefinition(name="Acrobat Sign Integration Key", description = "Integration key you created in Acrobat Sign ")
        String getIntegrationKey();

    @AttributeDefinition(name="X-API-USER", description = "X-API-USER")
    String getApiUser();

package com.acrobatsign.core.configuration;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.Designate;

@Component(immediate = true, service = AcrobatSignConfigurationService.class)
@Designate(ocd = AcrobatSignConfiguration.class)
public class AcrobatSignConfigurationService {

  private String IntegrationKey;
  private String apiUserEmail;
  public String getIntegrationKey() {
    return IntegrationKey;
  public String getApiUserEmail() {
    return apiUserEmail;

  protected final void activate(AcrobatSignConfiguration config) {
    IntegrationKey = config.getIntegrationKey();

    apiUserEmail = config.getApiUser();


Get Transient Document ID

The following code was written to create transient document

public String getTransientDocumentID(Document documentForSigning) throws IOException {
  String integrationKey = acrobatSignConfig.getIntegrationKey();
  String apiUser = acrobatSignConfig.getApiUserEmail();
  String url = "";
  MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
  org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
  HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
  httpPost.addHeader("x-api-user", "email:" + apiUser);
  httpPost.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + integrationKey);
  builder.addBinaryBody("File", documentForSigning.getInputStream(), ContentType.DEFAULT_BINARY, "NDA.PDF");
  builder.addTextBody("File-Name", "NDA.pdf");
  HttpEntity entity =;
  log.debug("Build the entity");
  CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
  log.debug("Sent the request!!!!");
  log.debug("REsponse code " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
  HttpEntity httpEntity = response.getEntity();
  String transientDocumentId = JsonParser.parseString(EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity)).getAsJsonObject().get("transientDocumentId").getAsString();
  log.debug("Transient ID  " + transientDocumentId);
  return transientDocumentId;


Get Widget ID

public String getWidgetID(String transientDocumentID) {
  String integrationKey = acrobatSignConfig.getIntegrationKey();
  String apiUser = acrobatSignConfig.getApiUserEmail();
  String url = "";
  org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
  HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
  httpPost.addHeader("x-api-user", "email:" + apiUser);
  httpPost.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + integrationKey);

  String jsonREquest = "{\r\n" +
    "  \"fileInfos\": [\r\n" +
    "    {\r\n" +
    "      \"transientDocumentId\": \"a\"\r\n" +
    "    }\r\n" +
    "  ],\r\n" +
    "  \"name\": \"Release and Waiver Agreement\",\r\n" +
    "  \"state\": \"ACTIVE\",\r\n" +
    "  \"widgetParticipantSetInfo\": {\r\n" +
    "    \"memberInfos\": [\r\n" +
    "      {\r\n" +
    "        \"email\": \"\"\r\n" +
    "      }\r\n" +
    "    ],\r\n" +
    "    \"role\": \"SIGNER\"\r\n" +
    "  }\r\n" +
  JsonObject jsonReq = JsonParser.parseString(jsonREquest).getAsJsonObject();
  jsonReq.getAsJsonArray("fileInfos").get(0).getAsJsonObject().addProperty("transientDocumentId", transientDocumentID);
  log.debug("The updated json object is " + jsonReq);
  try {
    StringEntity stringEntity = new StringEntity(jsonReq.toString());
    httpPost.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
    log.debug("The response is  " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
    String widgetID = JsonParser.parseString(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())).getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString();
    log.debug("The widget id is " + widgetID);
    return widgetID;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.debug("Error in getting Widget ID:" + e.getMessage());

  return null;

Get Widget URL

public String getWidgetURL(String widgetId) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {

        log.debug("$$$$ in get Widget URL for "+widgetId+ "widget id");
        String url = "";
        org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
        HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
        httpGet.addHeader("x-api-user", "email:"+acrobatSignConfig.getApiUserEmail());
        httpGet.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+acrobatSignConfig.getIntegrationKey());
        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);
        JsonObject jsonResponse = JsonParser.parseString(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())).getAsJsonObject();
         log.debug("The json response from get widgets is "+jsonResponse.toString());
         JsonArray userWidgetList = jsonResponse.get("userWidgetList").getAsJsonArray();
         log.debug("The array size is "+userWidgetList.size());
          for(int i=0;i<userWidgetList.size();i++)

             log.debug("Getting widget object "+i);
             JsonObject temp = userWidgetList.get(i).getAsJsonObject();
             log.debug("The widget object "+i+"is "+temp.toString());
                 log.debug("Bingo found the matching widget id  "+i);
                 String widgetURL = temp.get("url").getAsString();
                 return widgetURL;



        return null;


Next Steps

Generate Acrobat Sign Widget URL
