
內容片段控制檯自訂格線欄 {align="center"}

可以使用將自訂格線欄新增到內容片段控制檯 contentFragmentGrid 延伸點。 此範例說明如何新增自訂欄,以人類可讀的格式,根據上次修改日期顯示內容片段年齡。


此範例會延伸至擴充點 contentFragmentGrid 以新增自訂欄到內容片段控制檯。



以下範例會建立自訂欄, Age 以人類可讀的格式顯示內容片段的年齡。 年齡是從內容片段的最後修改日期開始計算的。


此範例使用 Luxon 用於計算內容片段年齡的程式庫,透過安裝 npm i luxon.



  • 擴充功能插入本身的位置(contentFragmentGrid)在AEM編寫體驗中
  • 自訂欄的定義,在 getColumns() 函式
  • 每個自訂欄的值(依列)
import React from "react";
import { generatePath } from "react-router";
import { Text } from "@adobe/react-spectrum";
import { register } from "@adobe/uix-guest";
import { extensionId } from "./Constants";
import { Duration } from "luxon";

 * Set up a in-memory cache of the custom column data.
 * This is important if the work to contain column data is expensive, such as making HTTP requests to obtain the value.
 * The caching of computed value is optional, but recommended if the work to compute the column data is expensive.
const COLUMN_AGE_ID = "age";
const cache = {
  [COLUMN_AGE_ID]: {},

function ExtensionRegistration() {
  const init = async () => {
    const guestConnection = await register({
      id: extensionId,
      methods: {
        contentFragmentGrid: {
          getColumns() {
            return [
                id: COLUMN_AGE_ID,          // Give the column a unique ID.
                label: "Age",               // The label to display
                render: async function (fragments) {
                  // This function is run for each row in the grid.
                  // The fragments parameter is an array of all the fragments (aka each row) in the grid.
                  const context = await guestConnection.hostConnection.getRemoteApi().getSharedContext();

                  // Iterate over each fragment in the grid
                  for (const fragment of fragments) {
                    // Check if a previous pass has computed the value for this fragment.id. If it has, we can skip it.
                    if (!cache[COLUMN_AGE_ID][fragment.id]) {
                      // If the fragment.id has not been computed and cached, then compute the value and cache it.
                      cache[COLUMN_AGE_ID][fragment.id] = await computeAgeColumnValue(fragment, context);
                  // Return the populated cache of the custom column data.
                  return cache[COLUMN_AGE_ID];
              // Add other custom columns here...

  return <Text>IFrame for integration with Host (AEM)...</Text>;

async function computeAgeColumnValue(fragment, context) {
  // Various data is available in the sharedContext, such as the AEM host, the IMS token, and the fragment itself.

  // Accessing AEM APIs requires the IMS token, which is available in the sharedContext, and also supporting CORS configurations deployed to AEM Author.
  //const aemHost = context.aemHost;
  //const accessToken = context.auth.imsToken;

  // Get the user's locale to format the value of the column.
  const locale = context.locale;

  // Compute the value of the column, in this case we are computing the age of the fragment from its last modified date.
  const duration = Duration.fromMillis(Date.now() - fragment.modifiedDate).rescale();

  let largestUnit = {};

  if (duration.years > 0) {
    largestUnit = {years: duration.years};
  } else if (duration.months > 0) {
    largestUnit = {months: duration.months};
  } else if (duration.days > 0) {
    largestUnit = {days: duration.days};
  } else if (duration.hours > 0) {
    largestUnit = {hours: duration.hours};
  } else if (duration.minutes > 0) {
    largestUnit = {minutes: duration.minutes};
  } else if (duration.seconds > 0) {
    largestUnit = {seconds: duration.seconds};

  // Convert the largest unit of the age to human readable format.
  const columnValue = Duration.fromObject(largestUnit, {locale: locale}).toHuman();

  // Return the value of the column.
  return columnValue;

export default ExtensionRegistration;


render(..) 中的方法 getColumns() 傳遞了片段的陣列。 陣列中的每個物件代表格線中的一列,並包含下列有關內容片段的中繼資料。 此中繼資料可用於格線中的熱門自訂欄。

render: async function (fragments) {
    for (const fragment of fragments) {
        // An example value from this console log is displayed below.

可作為元素使用的範例內容片段JSON fragments 中的引數 render(..) 方法。

    "id": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/alaska-adventure/alaskan-adventures",
    "name": "alaskan-adventures",
    "title": "Alaskan Adventures",
    "status": "draft",
    "statusPreview": null,
    "model": {
        "name": "Article",
        "id": "/conf/wknd-shared/settings/dam/cfm/models/article"
    "folderId": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/alaska-adventure",
    "folderName": "Alaska Adventure",
    "createdBy": "admin",
    "createdDate": 1684875665786,
    "modifiedBy": "admin",
    "modifiedDate": 1654104774889,
    "publishedBy": "",
    "publishedDate": 0,
    "locale": "",
    "main": true,
    "translations": {
        "locale": "en",
        "languageCopies": [
                "path": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/alaska-adventure/alaskan-adventures",
                "title": "Alaskan Adventures",
                "locale": "en",
                "model": "Article",
                "status": "DRAFT",
                "id": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/alaska-adventure/alaskan-adventures"
    "transientStatus": {},
    "extensions": {
        "age": "1 year old"

如果需要其他資料才能填入自訂欄,可向AEM Author發出HTTP請求以擷取資料。

確保AEM Author執行個體設定為允許 跨來源請求 從原始位置,AppBuilder應用程式正在執行中。 允許的原始項包括 https://localhost:9080、AppBuilder階段來源和AppBuilder生產來源。
或者,擴充功能可呼叫自訂 AppBuilder動作 會代表擴充功能向AEM Author提出要求。
const context = await guestConnection.hostConnection.getRemoteApi().getSharedContext();
// Fetch the Content Fragment JSON from AEM Author using the AEM Assets HTTP API
const response = await fetch(`${context.aemHost}${fragment.id.slice('/content/dam'.length)}.json`, {
    headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${context.auth.imsToken}`


轉譯方法的結果為JavaScript物件,其索引鍵為內容片段的路徑(或 fragment.id),而值為要在欄中顯示的值。

例如,此擴充功能在 age 欄為:

    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/la-skateparks/ultimate-guide-to-la-skateparks": "22 minutes",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/bali-surf-camp/bali-surf-camp": "1 hour",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/western-australia-by-camper-van": "1 hour",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/climbing-new-zealand/climbing-new-zealand": "10 months",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/skitouring/skitouring": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/beervana-portland/beervana-in-portland": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/alaska-adventure/alaskan-adventures": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/arctic-surfing/aloha-spirits-in-northern-norway": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/san-diego-surf-spots/san-diego-surfspots": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/magazine/fly-fishing-amazon/fly-fishing": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/napa-wine-tasting/napa-wine-tasting": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/cycling-southern-utah/cycling-southern-utah": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/gastronomic-marais-tour/gastronomic-marais-tour": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/tahoe-skiing/tahoe-skiing": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/surf-camp-in-costa-rica/surf-camp-costa-rica": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/yosemite-backpacking/yosemite-backpacking": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/whistler-mountain-biking/whistler-mountain-biking": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/colorado-rock-climbing/colorado-rock-climbing": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/ski-touring-mont-blanc/ski-touring-mont-blanc": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/cycling-tuscany/cycling-tuscany": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/west-coast-cycling/west-coast-cycling": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/downhill-skiing-wyoming/downhill-skiing-wyoming": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/riverside-camping-australia/riverside-camping-australia": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/ian-provo": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/sofia-sj-berg": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/justin-barr": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/jake-hammer": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/jacob-wester": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/stacey-roswells": "1 year",
    "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/kumar-selveraj": "1 year"