Introduction to the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK

Using and configuring the SDK for AEM as a Cloud Service.


Hello and welcome everyone. My name is Abhishek Dwevedi and in this video, we are going to learn about AEM as a Cloud Services SDK.

After completing this video, you should be able to define AEM as a Cloud Service SDK and you should also be able to identify various components in SDK.

AEM as a Cloud Service will generate an SDK with each release. The AEM as a Cloud Service SDK includes a Quickstart Jar. This is the AEM runtime used for local development.

The other important thing that we have got here is Dispatcher Tools. There will be two set of tools, one is for Windows and other for Unix.

Apart from these two important tools, we have got Java API Jar.

This is the Java Jar and mune dependency that exposes all allowed Java APIs that can be used to develop against AEM as a Cloud Service. The other Jar in AEM as a Cloud Service SDK is Javadoc Jar, This is a Javadoc for Java API Jar.

Now let’s see from where we can access these Jar files and download it.

In order to download Quickstart Jar and dispatcher tools, we can go to

In here I can log in with my Adobe ID.

And this takes me to software distribution portal. In this portal, we have some general artifacts.

Some Jars or tools for AEM.

And AEM SDK for AEM as a Cloud Service. This contains Quickstart Jar and the dispatcher tools. As for local AEM development will always need the latest Jar file, so we need to find which one is the latest file by checking the date published column.

We can see this one is the latest so let’s click on this.

We need to accept end user license agreement, and click on download.

Now this will take some time and download the Jar files.

Once this AEM SDK has been downloaded you need to extract it.

And here we have got three important files. These two are dispatcher tools. The first one is for Linux machine and the other one is for Windows machine, and this third file is our AEM Quickstart Jar.

In order to use it, we can simply lean in and run our local environment. You should now be able to define AEM as a Cloud Services SDK, and you should also be able to identify various components in the SDK.

Thank you for watching this video, have a great day. -
