AEM as a Cloud Service’s watermarking capabilities allows custom image renditions to be watermarked using any PNG image.
AEM Asset supports watermarking image renditions by leveraging the power of asset compute microservices. Clicking into a watermarked asset, we can review it renditions and selecting the watermark renditions, which here is simply named Watermark but can be named anything, shows the overlaid WKND watermark centered on the image.
Any rendition generated using the default image processing service and configured through the custom processing profile, can have a watermark applied.
Asset watermarking is enabled and configured on AEM Author by the AEM Assets administrator. First, upload a PNG image that will be used as the watermark.
This particular watermark is simple. It’s a 50% transparent WKND logo on a fully transparent background. The watermark PNG file itself can be updated anytime. So make sure permission’s protected properly. So it’s not inadvertently updated, moved or deleted. Or, alternatively, the watermark could be specified in a more out of the way folder.
With the watermark image uploaded, we need to tell AEM Assets to use this image as the watermark. So for this, we’ll head over to Tools, Assets, Assets Configurations, and select System Watermarking Profile.
Here, we’ll provide the path to the PNG image asset in AEM that will be used as the system watermark. So I’ll choose the asset I just uploaded.
And a PNG is necessary as this format supports alpha channels and transparency. Which allows for an overlay. Next, a scale can be added with the value between zero and one. And this defines the scale of the watermark relative to the image’s width. The default value of one means the watermark will attempt to cover as much of the rendition as possible. Let’s drop ours to 0.9 so there’s a little bit of space between the edge of the watermark and the edge of the rendition it’s applied to. Keep in mind this is a system level configuration meaning that the single watermark configuration applies to all renditions that have watermarks enabled.
Alright, let’s save this and continue with our configuration. With the watermark asset uploaded and the system watermarking profile pointing at it, we can now configure a processing profile to generate a rendition with the watermark. For this, we’ll head over to Tools, Assets, Processing Profiles, and create a new processing profile or edit an existing as needed.
On the Image tab, your renditions can be configured as normal. Let’s name this Renditional Watermark, but you can, of course, name this anything you want. We have all the usual rendition configurations at our disposal. So, let’s limit this width to 1600. But the important thing here is, in order to watermark your rendition, we must toggle watermark to on. If this watermark toggle doesn’t exist, it means that the system watermarking profile hasn’t been set up properly. So double check that. Alright, let’s save our changes to our processing profile and try this out.
The processing profile could be applied to a folder so all new assets receive the watermark rendition but for now, let’s just head over to AEM Assets and reprocess a few existing assets with the watermark.
I’ll select some of these adventure images, tap Reprocess, select the WKND Renditions profile, which is what we added the watermark rendition to, and we’ll reprocess them.
I’ll skip forward to when the processing is complete and clicking into these assets, we can review their renditions. So as we can see, we have a new renditioned named Watermark and just as expected, this rendition has our WKND watermark applied. -