[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Maintaining Version History

[AEM Assets Essentials]{class="badge informative"}

Learn how Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assets Essentials helps you maintain versions of Workfront documents and Assets Essentials assets.

Let’s take a look at how the Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assets Essentials integration handles versioning of both Workfront documents and Asset Essentials assets. Since this integration is bi-directional, meaning assets can be linked in Workfront from Asset Essentials. As well as Workfront documents can be sent from Workfront to Asset Essentials. Naturally, we have two use cases around versioning as well.
The first is creating a new Workfront document version from an Asset Essentials asset. And the second is new versions of Asset Essentials assets can be created from Workfront documents.
Let’s first take a look at how the integration handles creating a new Workfront document version from an Asset Essentials asset. And to do this, we’ll pull in an asset from Asset Essentials and make it the latest version of an existing Workfront document. Let’s start off by logging into Workfront and navigating to our project’s documents.
We’ll locate the Workfront document we want to create a new version for. And note that it doesn’t matter if this Workfront document is linked to Asset Essentials yet or not. However, once we create a new version of the Workfront document using the Asset Essentials asset, a link between the two will be established. Okay, so all we need to do is select the Workfront document, tap Add New, make sure you select version here. And then select from AEM Asset Essentials. And note that your Workfront system administrator may have named your Asset Essentials integration something different. And then an Asset Essentials browser will pop up, that exposes the Asset Essentials dam to us in the context of Workfront. And here we can locate and select the asset that we want to represent the Workfront’s latest version. Upon success, the Workfront document will have the red Adobe icon, indicating it is linked with an asset in Asset Essentials. Opening its document details, the preview shows us the latest version of the document, which is the current version of the asset we just selected in Asset Essentials. Tapping on All Versions in the left sidebar, shows us all the Workfront document versions. And we can see here that we have the original version, which was sourced from Workfront itself. And then the latest version, which was sourced from Asset Essentials.
And just like all versions in Workfront, they can be previewed or even downloaded.
Now let’s look at the other use case, and that’s sending the Workfront document to Asset Essentials as a new asset version. For this, let’s use a different document in Workfront. And for this use case, the document must not already be linked to Asset Essentials. Meaning it cannot have the red Adobe icon. So I’ll go ahead and add a new file to act as the Workfront document’s latest version. And upon doing so, this removes the red Adobe icon, as this document’s latest version is no longer linked to Asset Essentials.
Jumping into the Workfront document details, we can see that there are now two versions.
The first version being linked from Asset Essentials. And the second and latest version sourced from Workfront, since it’s the one we just directly uploaded. While we’re in the document details, let’s also update the document’s description, which is one of the fields mapped to Asset Essentials as part of the Asset Essentials integration configuration.
Make sure to save our changes.
And now we can select the document, tap Send To and select AEM Asset Essentials.
Using the destination picker, we simply navigate to the Asset Essentials folder that contains the asset we want to create a new version for. And the trick here is we select a folder, rather than an asset. And the integration looks for an asset in the selected folder with the same name as the Workfront document. If a same name asset’s found, that asset is updated with a new version. If the folder doesn’t contain a same name asset, then the send operation acts normally and creates a brand-new asset in that Asset Essentials folder.
Once a folder is selected, we should get a notification that a new version was created in Asset Essentials. And the red Adobe icon will appear on the Workfront document, since this document is now linked to an Asset Essentials asset. At this point, the latest version of the Workfront document, meaning both its underlying binary file as well as any metadata, will have been pushed to the corresponding asset in Asset Essentials as a new version.
But let’s double check that. So we’ll jump over to Asset Essentials.
Locate the asset we just created a new version for.
And right away, we can see the thumbnail is updated to be that of the new Workfront document. But let’s drill into its details. Over here on the info panel, we see the updated description metadata was sent over from Workfront.
And then opening its versions, and here we go. We see there are two versions, with the latest being the Workfront document.
Okay, I hope this video helped you understand how both Workfront document versions and Asset Essentials asset versions can be managed using the Workfront and Asset Essentials integration. -