Color tags for images color-tag-images

Color Tagging Banner

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Assets uses Adobe Sensei AI capabilities to distinguish between colors in an image and apply those as tags automatically on ingestion. These tags enable an enhanced Search experience, based on image color composition.

You can configure the number of colors, within a range of one to 40, that are tagged to an image so that you can search for images based on those colors later. Experience Manager Assets applies the tags based on the color coverage in an image. You can also configure the display format for a color tag.

The following figure illustrates the sequence of tasks that you perform to configure and manage color tagging for images in Experience Manager Assets:

Color Tagging

Supported file formats supported-file-formats-color-tags

File format
MIME type
Input Colorspace
Maximum supported source file size
Maximum supported file size resolution
.jpg and .jpeg
15 GB
20000 × 20000 pixels
15 GB
20000 × 20000 pixels
.tif and .tiff
4 GB (limited by format specifications)
20000 × 20000 pixels
2 GB (limited by format specifications)
20000 × 20000 pixels
15 GB
20000 × 20000 pixels
4 GB (limited by format specifications)
20000 × 20000 pixels

Manage color tagging properties manage-color-tagging-properties

To manage the color tagging properties for images:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Assets > Color Tagging.

    Color Tagging Properties

  2. Specify a display format for the color tag in the Display Format field. The possible options include the color name, RGB, or HEX format.

  3. Specify the number of colors that you want to tag for the images in the Limit field. These colors display when you view the properties for an image. You can define a number between one and 40 in this field. The default value for this field is ten colors.

  4. Specify the minimum color coverage percentage to include a color tag in the search results in the Coverage/Dominance Threshold % field. For example, if the coverage of Red color in an image is ten percent and you define nine percent in this field, the image gets included when you search for images with Red color. However, if the coverage of Red color in an image is ten percent and you define 11 percent in this field, the image does not get included when you search for images with Red color.

    You can specify any number between five and 100 in this field. The default value is 11.

    note note
    Adobe recommends using a value close to the default value in this field. Setting a high number value set for this field (for example, greater than 25) may return few search results. Similarly, setting a low number value (for example, less than 6) may return too many search results, which may not be useful.
  5. Click Save.


Disable color tagging disable-color-tagging

Color tagging for images is enabled by default. You can disable color tagging at the folder-level. All child folders inherit the color tagging properties from the parent folder.

To disable color tagging at the folder-level:

  1. Navigate to Adobe Experience Manager > Assets > Files.

  2. Select the folder and click Properties.

  3. In the Asset Processing tab, navigate to the Color Tags for images folder. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

    • Inherited - The folder inherits the enable or disable options from the parent folder.

    • Enable - Enables color tagging for the selected folder.

    • Disable - Disables color tagging for the selected folder.

    Color Tagging Settings

Configure metadata schema to add smart color tags component configure-metadata-schema

Metadata schemas contain specific fields for specific information to be filled in. It also contains layout information to display metadata fields in a user-friendly way. Metadata properties include title, description, MIME types, tags, and more. You can use the Metadata Schema Forms editor to modify the existing schemas or add custom metadata schemas.

The Smart Color Tag field is available in the default metadata schema. If you are using a customized metadata schema, configure your schema to add a smart color tag field.

To add the Smart Color Tags component to the Metadata Schema Form Editor:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Assets > Metadata Schemas.

  2. Select the schema name and click Edit.

  3. Drag Smart Color Tags from the Build Form tab to the Metadata Schema Form Editor.

  4. Click the Smart Color Tag Field in the Metadata Schema Form Editor.

  5. Specify an appropriate value in the Field Label field in the Settings tab.

  6. Click Save.


Color tags for existing images in DAM color-tags-existing-images

The existing images in DAM are not color tagged automatically. Reprocess Assets manually to generate color tags for them.

To color tag images, or folders (including subfolders) of assets that exist in the assets repository, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Adobe Experience Manager logo and then select assets from the Navigation page.

  2. Select Files.

  3. In the Assets interface, navigate to the folder to which you want to apply color tags.

  4. Select the entire folder or specific images.

  5. Select Reprocess assets icon Reprocess Assets icon and select the Full Process option.

When the process completes, navigate to the Properties page of any image within the folder. The automatically added tags are seen in the Smart Color Tags section in the Basic tab.

View smart color tags for images view-color-tags

To view smart color tags for images:

  1. Navigate to Adobe Experience Manager > Assets > Files.

  2. Click the appropriate folder and select the image.

  3. Select Properties and view the tags in the Smart Color Tags field.

    View Color Tags

    Hover the mouse over a color tag so you can view the Coverage/Dominance Threshold % of a color in an image.

Configure AEM Assets color predicate configure-search-predicate

You can configure a search filter for images. You can then base your search criteria on a specific color to filter the results.

Configure the AEM Assets color predicate only if you are not using the default search form.

To configure the search filter, create an Asset Color Predicate using the Assets Admin Search Rail.

To configure the search filter:

  1. Navigate to Tools > General > Search Forms.

  2. Select Assets Admin Search Rail and click Edit.

  3. Drag Asset Color Predicate from the Select Predicate tab to the Search Form Editor.

  4. Specify an appropriate value in the Field Label field in the Settings tab.

  5. Click Done to save the settings.


Search images based on colors search-images-based-on-colors

After configuring all color tagging properties and configuring the Assets color predicate, you can search images based on a color as a filter.

To search images based on colors:

  1. Navigate to Assets > Files.

  2. Select Filter from the drop-down list.
    Filter Assets

  3. Select the AEM Assets color predicate.

  4. Drag the color picker to select the appropriate color. The selected color displays in the read-only field available below the color picker. You can select RGB or HEX as the display format for the color.

    Color Picker

    You can filter images based on the selection of one color. The images that have the selected color as one of the smart color tags and above the Coverage/ Dominance Threshold % display in the right pane.

  5. Clear the filter by clicking X in the Search bar.

See also
