Commerce Integration Framework GitHub Release Overview

Release Date: November 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Venia Reference Site
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-november

  • Template inheritance added to a specific category page. This feature improves business user efficiency because it makes it possible for all subcategories to inherit the template that was created for a specific top category.

  • Venia reference storefront updated to use Experience Fragment for the footer. Business users can edit the page footer using AEM authoring tools.

What’s Improved what-is-improved-november

  • Checkout component improved to provide shoppers with the ability to enter the destination country to allow billing/shipping addresses outside the United States.

  • Navigation component extended to hydrate Adobe Client Data Layer.

  • Multiple bug fixes.

Release Date: October 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Venia Reference Site
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-october

  • A new Category carousel component was added to enable business users to drag and drop this component on AEM content pages to enrich content pages with commerce data.

  • CIF core components extended to hydrate the Adobe Client Data Layer by sending commerce data. The Adobe Client Data Layer is a standardized method to collect data and communicate the data to Digital Analytics and reporting servers. For more details, see Adobe Client Data Layer.

  • Product Detail and Product List pages extended to automatically populate SEO metadata (such as title, meta description, meta keywords) configured from within the Adobe Commerce admin UI

  • Commerce teaser component bug fixed.

Release Date: September 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Venia Reference Site
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-september

  • Supports queries for Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 Schema.

  • Account information features added to allow shoppers to update personal information.

  • A lazy loading pagination style is implemented for Product list and Search results pages to allow developers to configure these components to display the “Load more” button as the pagination style.

  • The password reset page is implemented to allow shoppers to be able to update/reset their account password.

  • Support for Bundled products types is available.

  • Developers can configure the HTML tags for Product Carousel, Related Products, and Featured Category List components to follow SEO best practices.

  • My Account bugs fixed.

  • Multiple bug fixes.

Release Date: August 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Venia Reference Site
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-august

  • Breadcrumb component added to support content and commerce pages.

  • Commerce tab added on Page properties to expose CIF properties for Landing Page and Experience Fragments.

  • The Searchbar component is improved to support the option to display placeholder text

  • Added flexibility to Product and Product Teaser components to support easy customizations.

  • Added flexibility to override and configure the default CTA button label for the Product Teaser component.

  • The Address Book component is improved to allow registered shoppers to choose shipping and billing addresses saved in the address book during checkout.

  • Multiple bug fixes.

Release Date: July 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Venia Reference Site
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-july

  • CIF Venia Reference Site was extracted from the CIF Archetype repo and is now a standalone GitHub repository.

  • CIF Archetype merged with AEM Project Archetype. For new projects, use AEM Project Archetype as the starting point.

  • Address book management was added to allow signed-in users to manage their addresses.

  • CIF Cloud Configuration UI supports publish/unpublish actions.

What’s Improved what-is-improved-july

  • Sign-in component moved to user drop-down for easy access.

  • Simplified the aem-core-cif-react-components package.

  • Multiple bug fixes.

Release Date: June 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Archetype
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-june

This is the first version of CIF Core Components that is supported on Adobe Experience Manager.

  • Added product sorting on the Product List page and Search Results page to allow shoppers to sort based on relevance, price, and product name.

  • Added category filtering as a facet to allow shoppers to filter based on category.

  • Added service user mapping as part of security requirement to ensure access to /conf via service users and not by directly manipulating ACLs. CIF Core Components must use a service user to access configurations.

What’s Improved what-is-improved-june

  • The Product List page and Search Result page display the total number of items. The number of items is updated when shopper applied filters.

  • Faceted search is optimized by combining a category query with a product search query.

  • Category/Product pickers for page preview honor cq:catalogPath.

  • Multiple bug fixes.

Release Date: May 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Archetype
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-may

  • Supports queries for Adobe Commerce 2.3.5 Schema.

  • Faceted Search support added to Search Page and Product List Page to allow shoppers to filter search results based on Product facets.

  • New OSGi service added to customize PDP/PLP URLs for SEO purposes. For more details, see the documentation.

  • Product Binding is automatically created when a Cloud Configuration is created.

What’s Improved

  • Cloud Configuration extended to display the “Create Folder” action.

  • Multiple bug fixes applied.

Release Date: April 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Archetype
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-april

What’s Improved what-is-improved-april

  • Shopping cart and checkout flow extended to support registered shoppers.

  • Extended internationalization support across all components.

  • Support for Grouped Products and Virtual Products is available.

  • Related Products, Product Carousel, and Featured Category components improved to support optional title.

  • Multiple bug fixes applied.

Release Date: February 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Archetype
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-february

  • Supports queries for Adobe Commerce 2.3.4 Schema.

  • Added search support in Category Picker.

  • Pagination in the Category List component to support large catalog sets.

What’s Improved what-is-improved-february

  • Shopping cart enhanced to display discounts.

  • Product Detail, Product Teaser, and Product List components support display of advanced pricing information.

  • Product search in Product Console and Product Picker improved.

  • Multiple bug fixes applied.

Release Date: January 2020

Detailed Release Notes
CIF Connector
Release Notes
CIF Core Components
Release Notes
CIF Archetype
Release Notes

What’s New what-is-new-january

  • Experience Fragment (XF) component added to enable customers to create XF in their commerce project.

  • Change the password functionality available in my account.

  • i18n support for AEM CIF server-side core components.

  • Generic related product component is available.

What’s Improved what-is-improved-january

  • Support to display CTA button on product teaser.

  • Option to change/select images in the Featured Category List component.

  • Option to hide/display title/banner in the Product List component.

  • Drag and drop feature applied to the Product Carousel component.

  • Multiple bug fixes applied.
