If You Cannot Connect from AEM to Adobe Campaign Classic

Look for the following error message in Adobe Campaign Classic.

  • No datasource defined in the instance 'default'.

  • Make sure the DNS alias used to access the server is correct (for example, avoid hard-coded IP addresses). (iRc=16384)

To fix this issue, change the following in $CAMPAIGN_HOME/conf/config-<instance-name>.xml:

  • <dataStore hosts="*" lang="en_GB">

If no Data Displays in the Adobe Campaign Classic Dialog

In Adobe Campaign Classic, ensure that you have no trailing slash (/) after the port number.

Adobe Campaign Classic - ensure no trailing slash after port number

If You Receive a Warning About setlocale

When starting the Apache HTTPD service for Adobe Campaign Classic, you may see the error Warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE cannot change locale

Make sure that you have en_CA.ISO-8859-15 locale installed on your Adobe Campaign Classic server.

  • You can check whether it is installed by using local -a.
  • If it is not installed, you can patch the /usr/local/neolane/nl6/env.sh script and change the locale to an installed one.

If you get an error while compiling script ‘get_nms_amcGetSeedMetaData_jssp’

If you see the following error message in the AEM log file:

com.day.cq.mcm.campaign.impl.CampaignConnectorImpl Internal Adobe Campaign error: response body is Error while compiling script 'get_nms_amcGetSeedMetaData_jssp' line 45: String.prototype.toJSON called on incompatible XML.

Use the following workaround on the Adobe Campaign Classic server.

  1. Open file $CAMPAIGN_HOME/datakit/nms/fra/js/amcIntegration.js
  2. Modify line 467 of method amcGetSeedMetaData
  3. Change label : [inclView.@label](mailto:inclView.@label) to label : String([inclView.@label](mailto:inclView.@label))
  4. Save.
  5. Relaunch the server.