After installing Experience Manager Service Pack, users cannot edit content fragment models and experience the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'debounce' of undefined
(NPR-35312) -
When a user clicks the logout button, the user is not logged out of Package Manager. (NPR-35161)
After upgrading from Experience Manager 6.4.x to Experience Manager, users are unable to publish a page via Manage Publication. (CQ-4312511)
When you move a blueprint child page back to the original location, the cq:liveSyncConfig configuration is not removed from a live copy child page. (NPR-35900)
When you move a blueprint that has live-copies back and forth, only the first move works, then it fails and no error message is displayed. (NPR-35899)
error as smart tagging functionality creates large/oak:index/lucene
indices (NPR-35650).- Users are unable to check-in assets after editing those in Adobe InDesign and receive error about lack of permissions (NPR-35340).
- When a new version of an existing asset is created after resolving the naming conflict, the metadata of original asset is overwritten (NPR-35939).
- Private folder auto-generated groups are not maintained and not removed when deleting the folder or when updating the folder with the Remove Private Folder Restrictions option set (NPR-35625).
Dynamic Media
- Intermittent ImageServer error causes 403 response for and consequent failure of a few functionalities of Experience Manager. (CQ-4308565)
- When you open the properties of a page after upgrading to Experience Manager, JavaScript errors start appearing in the console (NPR-35649).
Correspondence Management
When you are editing a letter, the modules with conditions take a longer time to load (NPR-35326).
When editing a letter, the content and data bindings do not display on the User Interface (CQ-4312905).
Document Services
- Unable to assemble PDFs after upgrading JAVA to JDK1.8.0_261 (NPR-35761, NPR-35848).
Foundation JEE
- When you edit a task notification in Forms workflow, you are not able to save it (CQ-4315055).
Issues fixed in AEMForms-6.4.0-0027
- (JEE Only) Critical security vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046) reported for Apache Log4j2.
For information on security updates, see Experience Manager security bulletins page.
Hotfixes and Feature Packs included in previous Cumulative Fix Packs
Adobe Experience Manager
AEM Cumulative Fix Pack is an important update that includes several internal and customer fixes since the general availability of AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8 ( in March 2020.
AEM is a Cumulative Fix Pack (CFP) that is dependent on AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8. Install the CFP after installing AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8.
In AEM, the built-in repository (Apache Jackrabbit Oak) is updated to version 1.8.23.
For information on CFP and other types of releases, see AEM Update Release Vehicle Definitions
Adobe Experience Manager provides fixes for the following issues.
When you update the text of a variation of a content fragment, the content of the master content fragment is updated instead of the variation (NPR-35080).
When you set a numeric value for the String type label property of a component, delete the component, and use the undo option to bring it back, the type of label property automatically changes from String to Long (NPR-34738).
When you add a File Upload component to multi-field, the image path is stored in the component node instead of the Multi-Field node (NPR-34423).
In the Move Page wizard, even if no destination is selected, the next button remains enabled (NPR-34460).
When the parent component includes the
property, the inherited component does not automatically include the property (CQ-4308409). -
When you use CSS minification using
function, the blank spaces around the+
sign are removed (NPR-34991). -
When you start an AEM instance, the
components do not display inActive
state (NPR-34952).
- When creating a version of an existing asset, the user updates to metadata do not persist if a metadata profile is applied to the folder (NPR-34833).
- When using Adobe Asset Link with Adobe InDesign, the search results do not contain folders and collections but only contain assets (NPR-34700).
- When dragging an asset on a folder to move it, the user interface also displays the option to Drop in Lightbox and Drop in Collection. Even if the move operation is canceled, the user interface continues to display the latter two options (NPR-34525).
- When the Manage Publication interface is opened, the publish option is not available and upon selecting the unpublish option the scope page is blank (CQ-4302509).
Dynamic Media
- In Image Preset settings, when the option Enable JPG Chrominance Downsampling is deselected in Experience Manager, the change does not sync with Dynamic Media (NPR-34284).
- In the Viewer Presets Editor, when editing PanoramicImage/PanoramicImage_VR preset, in the
modifier label is not available (CQ-4302043). - Unpublishing a video from Experience Manager does not unpublish the Adaptive Video Set on configured Dynamic Media Classic. (CQ-4304405).
- The
flag is added to the Google Closure Compiler (GCC) Processor functioncom.adobe.granite.ui.clientlibs.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl
. The flag suppresses the output of theuse strict
instruction (NPR-34830). - A
is returned on starting daily or weekly maintenance tasks (NPR-34702). - The Apache Sling Health Check tool is deprecated. Instead, use Pattern Detector to detect content violations (NPR-33929).
- The Create button appears on the Audiences page on navigating from a folder to the Audiences page (NPR-35152).
User Interface
- The Filters search panel on Omnisearch user interface also returns results from locations other than from where the search is run (NPR-34877).
- On closing the Filters panel on Omnisearch user interface, the left rail is not reset to Content selection, which prevents from reopening the Filters panel (NPR-34483).
- A
is returned on accessing the page properties (NPR-34509).
- All the instances of inequitable terminology in the product are replaced with accepted equivalents (NPR-34506).
- When there are more than 15 products in a collection, the collection displays only the first 15 products (NPR-34494).
Adaptive Forms
Unable to edit an adaptive form using Classic UI after applying the Experience Manager Cumulative Fix Pack (NPR-35127).
Fragments take longer time to load in an adaptive form because of cache invalidation (NPR-34655).
Accessibility: Tab navigation does not work appropriately for screen readers in an adaptive form (NPR-34550).
Correspondence Management
- When you migrate the assets from ES3, the assets include two non-editable default conditions (NPR-34971).
Foundation JEE
- Migrate AEM Forms users from Flash to HTML (CQ-4304075).
Adobe Experience Manager
AEM Cumulative Fix Pack is an important update that includes several internal and customer fixes since the general availability of AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8 ( in March 2020.
AEM is a Cumulative Fix Pack (CFP) that is dependent on AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8. Install the CFP after installing AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8.
In AEM, the built-in repository (Apache Jackrabbit Oak) is updated to version 1.8.22.
For information on CFP and other types of releases, see AEM Update Release Vehicle Definitions
Adobe Experience Manager provides fixes for the following issues.
If the
is not able to load a rollout config, it does not attempt to load the missing configs. It returns the cached configurations (NPR-34091). -
In Text core component, after using source HTML edit option, the class from
tag is removed (NPR-34080). -
When you upgrade from Experience Manager 6.2 to Experience Manager 6.5, the Parsys component of static templates do not display correctly. The height of the the Parsys component is set to 0 and the components inside it are not visible (NPR-34044).
The label information is not displayed of the allowed components inside of the Template Editor (NPR-33908).
Users are not able to add or edit components to the parsys after the fourth-level of nested components (NPR-33873).
If the initial content of an editable template is changed and then the template is published, any new pages created with this template show the Published date of the template even though the pages are not published (NPR-33822).
properties for Adobe Campaign on the copy are removed during copy and paste operation (NPR-33793). -
In the Live Usage tab, only 49 results are displayed. It does not show all the usage for the component (NPR-33710).
A webpage with
character in the URL becomes unresponsive while authoring. When a component is added while authoring, the CPU usage increases and browser stops responding (NPR-33625). -
In inline editing mode in RTE, dragging an image does not work for Text component (NPR-33579).
It is possible to create a component in a blueprint page with the same name as the page name. During rollout, such a component is renamed by suffixing
. However, the component is moved to the end of the Paragraph System (NPR-33534). -
Launch promotion does not publish pages when include subpages property is not checked on the first content root (NPR-33533).
Redirection to Experience Manager page with anchor does not work on Author instance as
puts query string after a URL fragment or an anchor (NPR-34287). -
after Sling mapping leading to link failures (NPR-34271). -
You can suspend the Live Copy of a page and inheritance are broken in as seen in the Editor mode. However, in the Page properties, the icon representing inheritance incorrectly indicates that the inheritance exists and is not broken (NPR-34096).
Issue with display of allowed components in Edit template page (CQ-4297295).
After upgrading Chrome and Firefox, the pop-up menus are not working as expected. On loading the page properties, it does not display the panel when there is data in it (CQ-4292995).
Multiple cross site scripting instances in Experience Manager Sites components (NPR-33926).
User inputs are not appropriately encoded for various components when sending information to the client (NPR-33696).
A URL that ends with
displays an HTML page instead of a 404 response. Such URLs are vulnerable to cross site scripting (NPR-33441).
Text extraction for the uploaded PDF files does not work and full-text search for some words in a PDF file fail to fetch that PDF file (NPR-34165).
To make this fix work, restart your Adobe Experience Manager instance after installing the Service Pack -
Backslashes are added before special characters in search suggestions of assets, which have special characters in their name (NPR-33833).
The custom filters that are saved as smart collections are not correctly applied to assets, therefore the search results are not accurate (NPR-33725).
Timeline of an asset within a folder that was reordered depicts that the asset was moved (NPR-33580).
Unpublishing the assets in bulk from Brand Portal leads to
Request-URI Too Long
error (NPR-34158). -
In column view if user selects Filter option after selecting a set of assets (the assets get deselected), and then selects a different set of assets to move then the previously selected assets are also moved to the new location (NPR-34018).
Scroll bar is not visible in list view, even if there are numerous assets to fit in the page (NPR-34156).
The Manage Publication page for assets is broken and the options therein are not working (CQ-4302509).
Dynamic Media
The Smart Crop functionality fails with error when image profile is added to a folder having multiple (for example, 11) aspect ratios (NPR-34083).
Changes to image presets in Adobe Experience Manager do not sync to Dynamic Media Classic (NPR-34284, CQ-4299713).
The PANORAMICVIEW_AUTOROTATE modifier label is missing from the Behavior tab in Viewer Preset Editor page (CQ-4302043).
- The default values for the Connect Timeout and Socket Timeout settings for the Default Agent (publish) configuration are not specified (NPR-33708).
- The maintenance task scheduler starts and stops maintenance tasks too often than configured (NPR-33520).
- Cannot download logs using the Diagnosis tool on an upgraded Experience Manager instance (NPR-34419).
- The value of
is not considered when generating Adobe Launch library URL for libraries migrated from Adobe Dynamic Tag Management. Also, the migrated libraries use a different prefix than Adobe Launch libraries. (NPR-34238). - The properties inherited from a cloud service do not persist on updating the page properties (NPR-33865).
User Interface
- The display of count of selected assets on a search page is incorrect (NPR-33540).
- The existing users of a community group added through admin console are removed from the user list on any modification in the community group console (NPR-34312).
Adaptive Forms
When there is a missing adaptive form fragment, the adaptive form fails to render (NPR-34303).
Help content description for an adaptive form fields display a paragraph HTML tag (NPR-34117).
When you add a Forms container on an Experience Manager Sites page, the page displays the following error message and does not allow you to add any new components (NPR-33858):
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for <Link>. HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
When you select the Revalidate on Server property and upload multiple attachments, the adaptive form fails to submit (NPR-33701).
When you select the Use Page Language and Form covers entire width of the Page options in Experience Manager Forms component on an Experience Manager Sites page, the page fails to translate (NPR-33641).
When you submit an analytics-enabled adaptive form embedded in an Experience Manager Sites page, analytics does not work correctly (NPR-31359).
Removed dependencies on Lodash and backbone libraries (NPR-33458).
The Submit to REST endpoint submit action does not work for an adaptive form (NPR-34513).
Accessibility: When you try to submit an adaptive form without uploading an attachment for a mandatory field, the focus does not shift to the attachment field automatically (NPR-34511).
User inputs are not appropriately encoded for Forms components when sending information to the client (NPR-33611).
Experience Manager Workflow Purge operation fails and displays the following error message (NPR-33576):
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The query read more than 500000 nodes in memory
When you install Experience Manager, the To Do list of items does not display as links. The text for the To Do items include HTML tags (NPR-34318).
- Unable to configure a form data model in an AWS hosted Experience Manager Forms Linux environment (NPR-33617).
- When Acrobat DC is installed on an Experience Manager Forms server, the Distribute Form option is not available in Experience Manager Designer version 6.x (NPR-34325).
Document Security
- Unable to execute the Sign operation with HSM-based certificates in a PDF file after installing Experience Manager (NPR-34309).
- When you upgrade the JBoss version to 7.0.9 for Experience Manager Forms with Document Security in a Linux environment, it results in an error (CQ-4300546).
For information on security updates, see Experience Manager security bulletins page.
Adobe Experience Manager
AEM Cumulative Fix Pack is an important update that includes several internal and customer fixes since the general availability of AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8 ( in March 2020.
AEM Cumulative Fix Pack is dependent on AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8. Therefore, you must install the AEM Cumulative Fix Pack package after installing AEM 6.4 Service Pack 8.
Some of the key highlights of AEM are:
- Anonymous access to CRXDE Lite is disallowed to enhance security. Instead, the users are directed to the login screen. See developing with CRXDE Lite.
- Removed Package Share integration with Adobe Experience Manager.
- The built-in repository (Apache Jackrabbit Oak) is updated to version 1.8.21.
For information on CFP and other types of releases, see AEM Update Release Vehicle Definitions
Adobe Experience Manager provides fixes to the following issues.
- Anonymous users can access CRX DE Lite features (NPR-33522).
- When the name of a local component in a LiveCopy is identical to the name of a component in the blueprint and the component is rolled out from blueprint, term _msm_moved is not added to the name of the local component (NPR-33207).
- The parameters appended to the original request are not included in the redirect URL (NPR-33174).
- When the Coral.Select option sets emptyOption=true or contains a default item with value = “”, the dropdownshowhide.js file encounters an error: Uncaught TypeError: component.getValue is not a function (NPR-33163).
- When a component includes another component as data-sly-resource, the parent container component placeholder is replaced with the inner components placeholder (NPR-33119).
- When you base a Content Fragment on a schema and it contains a mandatory text area or a path field, the Content Fragment fails to save (NPR-33007)
- When you create a custom component using the Out-of-the-box experience fragment component and use it in AEM Sites pages, AEM does not display references (usage) for the custom component (NPR-32852).
- When an AEM Sites page is part of a large content set with multiple live-copies, the page version history preview fails to load (NPR-32772).
- When you promote a launch it adds the “cq:LiveRelationship” mixin to every component added in the launch. It impacts all the launches irrespective of if a launch is created with or without selecting the — Inherit source page live data — option (NPR-32664).
- When pagination starts, Experience Fragments Picker does not load all the items (NPR-32605).
- Unable to create a launch for an AEM Sites page. Launch creation results in an error (NPR-32544).
- Manage Publication does not include referenced assets in the request for activation workflow (NPR-32463).
- Dispatcher health check displays
Invalid cookie header
warning message in the log files (NPR-33630). - Salesforce integration is vulnerable to SSRF (NPR-32671).
- Reflected XSS in PreferencesServlet (NPR-33439).
The count of assets does not change as per the change in selection in List View (NPR-33285).
Next button is not enabled on selecting parent node (where single child folder is visible) and then selecting child folder (NPR-33284).
Touch UI fails to render (with error) for users who don’t have read access on repository root, when DMS7 or Hybrid mode is enabled (NPR-33175).
The GB18030 characters occurring in folder and asset names change to blank in the downloaded zip files (NPR-33150).
Extra folder is created on smart-cropping an asset that is inside a parent folder with dot
character in its name (NPR-32755). -
Lazy loading is not triggered and not more than 100 assets are displayed on selecting to review the tasks from notifications inbox (NPR-32749).
Link page to share collection is broken due to change in coral-info (NPR-32510).
Asset processing while bulk upload gets stuck (CQ-4293916).
SSRF vulnerability in Experience Manager (NPR-33437).
- The Sling filter is not called if the
map entry is created under/etc/maps
(NPR-33308). - All flush agents are triggered on deactivating a page (NPR-32941).
- When you use the
API to minify a JavaScript library, the log file displays an error message indicating that the JavaScript code is not compliant to strict mode. The API does not provide option to enable or disable strict mode. (NPR-32746). - When an SQL query runs for a longer time, for example 7 hours, AEM stops responding (NPR-33043).
User Interface
- When you search or browse a path using a selection dialog, the selection dialog displays all contents of the selected JCR node instead of displaying only the images (NPR-32712).
Translation Projects
- A
error is seen in the logs on running a translation job (NPR-32220).
- Cross-site scripting for JSON (NPR-32745).
- Authors, after creating a new group, are not redirected to the Community Group section on Internet Explorer 11 (NPR-33202).
- An error occurs on accessing the Activity Stream page (NPR-33152).
- Editing a Communities group and changing the thumbnail image does not update the group thumbnail image (NPR-32603).
- While creating a version of notifications and subscriptions of User Generated Content (UGC), an incorrect ID of the source page is stored (CQ-4289703).
- Cross-site scripting issue (NPR-33212).
Some components do not display on the dialog box that pops-up when a user completes a workflow that includes a Dialog Participant step (NPR-32989).
The Timeline option in the left rail takes more time to load than expected (NPR-32850).
- Correspondence Management: When a user pastes content from a Word document, the text document fragment does not retain formatting (NPR-33213).
- Adaptive Forms: A new line to a string in an adaptive forms dictionary adds

characters to the dictionary (NPR-33265). - Adaptive Forms: The user is not able to save an adaptive form with more than one attachment (NPR-33214).
- Adaptive Forms:
methods for Instance Manager class do not add dynamic number of instances for lazy load fragments on Internet Explorer 11 (NPR-33201). - Adaptive Forms: Analytics enabled on an adaptive form embedded in a Sites page do not record data for Submit and Abandon events (NPR-31359).
- Adaptive Forms: When a user pastes the content from a Word document to an adaptive form and submit it, the submitted adaptive form includes unicode characters. In addition, the PDF to PDF/A conversion fails due to unicode characters (NPR-33348).
- BackendIntegration: Form data model requests fail as the refresh token expires due to incorrect inactive state (NPR-33168).
- Document Services: Convert PDF service fails to convert PDF documents to PostScript due to missing Gibson jars for WebLogic on the Linux server (NPR-33515, CQ-4292239).
- Document Services: When a user converts a text file to a PDF, Japanese characters do not render correctly (NPR-33239).
- Stored XSS with the GuideSOMProviderServlet (NPR-32701).
Setup requirements
- AEM requires AEM Please visit upgrade documentation for detailed instructions.
- On a deployment with MongoDB and multiple instances, install AEM on one of the Author instances using the Package Manager.
- Before installing the cumulative fix pack, ensure to have a snapshot or fresh backup of your AEM instance.
- Restart the instance before installation. While that is only needed when the instance is still in update mode (and this is the case when the instance was just updated from an earlier version), it’s generally recommended if the instance was running for longer period of time.
Install the Cumulative Fix Pack
Perform the following steps to install the Cumulative Fix Pack on an existing AEM instance:
Click the Software Distribution link to download the package.
Open Package Manager and click Upload Package to upload the package.
Select the package name and click Install.
Automatic installation
There are two ways to automatically install AEM into a running instance:
A. Place the package into …/crx-quickstart/install folder while the server is running. The package gets installed automatically.
B. Use the HTTP API from Package Manager - make sure you use cmd=install&recursive=true
- so the nested package are installed.
Validate installation
- The Product Information page (/system/console/productinfo) should now show the updated version string “Adobe Experience Manager, Version” under Installed Products.
- All OSGI bundles are either ACTIVE or FRAGMENT in the OSGI Console (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).
- The OSGI bundle org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core is on version 1.8.17 or higher (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).
To determine the certified platform for running with this release of AEM Sites and Assets, see Technical Requirements.
Update Dynamic Media Viewers (5.10.1)
AEM contains new version of Dynamic Media viewers (5.10.1) which enables check for duplicate names on Image Preset page. Dynamic Media customers are advised to run the following command to bring out of the box viewer presets to an up-to-date state.
curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:4502/libs/settings/dam/dm/presets/viewer.pushviewerpresets
which will copy new viewer presets to /conf location.
Install AEM forms add-on package
- Ensure that you have installed the AEM Cumulative Fix Pack.
- Download the corresponding forms add-on package listed at AEM Forms releases for your operating system.
- Install the forms add-on package as described in Installing AEM forms add-on packages.
Install AEM Forms JEE installer
For information about installing the cumulative installer for AEM Forms JEE and post-deployment configuration, see AEM Forms JEE Patch Installer.
folder, and restart the server.Uber Jar
The Uber Jar for AEM is available in the Maven Central repository.
To use Uber Jar in a Maven project, refer to the article, How to use Uber jar and include the following dependency in your project POM:
. As a result, there is no classifier
, with apis
as the value, for the dependency
tag.Removed/Deprecated Features
This section lists features and capabilities that have been removed or deprecated from AEM 6.4.
Area | Feature | Replacement | Version |
Assets | Manage Tag Action for Subassets | No Replacement | AEM |
Assets and Adobe Creative Cloud integration | AEM to Creative Cloud folder sharing was introduced in AEM 6.2 as a way to give creative users access to assets from AEM. A new capability released in Creative Cloud application, Adobe Asset Link, provides a much better user experience and more powerful access to assets from AEM directly from inside Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. Adobe will not make further enhancements to the folder sharing capability. While the feature is included in AEM, customers ar(e strongly advised to use the replacement. | Adobe Asset Link or desktop app. For more info, see AEM Creative Cloud integration article. | AEM |
Known Issues
- If you upgrade from Experience Manager 6.4 to Experience Manager 6.5, some of the bundles might not display their status as
. Install the latest Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack to resolve the issue.
For information on the AEM Service Pack known issues, see AEM Service Pack Release Notes.
OSGi bundles and Content Packages included
The following text documents list the OSGi bundles and Content Packages included in AEM
List of OSGi bundles included in AEM
List of Content Packages included in AEM
Helpful resources
Restricted Sites
These sites are only available to customers. If you are a customer and need access, please contact your Adobe account manager.
Experience Manager
- AEM 6.4 overview
- General Release Notes
- Service Pack Release Notes
- Cumulative Fix Pack Release Notes
- AEM Sites Release Notes
- AEM Assets Release Notes
- AEM Forms Release Notes
- AEM Forms JEE Patch Installer
- AEM Communities Release Notes
- Deprecated and Removed Features
- Known Issues
- AEM Foundation and Repository
- Touch UI Feature Status
- CRX2OAK Migration Tool
- Smart Content Service Release Notes
- Livefyre Feature Pack 2.0.6 Release Notes