Configuring storage services for drafts and submissions
- User
With AEM Forms, you can store:
Drafts: A work-in-progress form that end users fill and save for later, and submit afterwards.
Submissions: Submitted forms containing user provided data.
AEM Forms Portal data and metadata services provide support for drafts and submissions. By default the data is stored in the publish instance, which is then reverse-replicated to configured author instance to be available for percolation to other publish instances.
The concern with the existing out-of-the-box approach is, that it stores all the data on publish instance, including the data which can be Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
In addition to above mentioned default approach, an alternative implementation is also available for directly pushing the form data to processing instead of saving it locally. Customers having concerns about storage of potentially sensitive data on publish instance can choose the alternative implementation in which the data is sent to a processing server. Since processing happens on the author instance, it typically stays in a secure zone.
Configuring Forms Portal drafts and submissions services
In the AEM Web Console Configuration ( https://[*host*]:[*port*]/system/console/configMgr
), click to open Forms Portal Draft and Submission Configuration in edit mode.
Specify the values for properties based on your requirements as described below:
Out of the box services to store data on publish instance
Data is reverse replicated to configured author instance.
Out of the box services to store data on remote processing instance
Data is pushed directly to configured remote instance
Apart from the configuration specified above, provide information about the configured remote processing instance.
In the AEM Web Console Configuration ( https://[*host*]:[*port*]/system/console/configMgr
), click to open AEM DS Settings Service in edit mode. In the AEM DS Settings Service dialog, provide information about processing server URL, processing server user name, and password.