Set up and configure AEM Forms

Setting up forms development project

A simplified and standardized project structure can significantly reduce development and maintenance efforts. Apache Maven is an open source tool recommended for building AEM projects.

  • Use Apache Maven aem-project-archetype to create and manage structure for AEM project. It creates recommended structure and templates for your AEM project. Also, it provides build automation and change control systems to help manage the project.

    • Use the maven archetype:generate command to generate the initial structure.
    • Use maven eclipse:eclipse command to generate the eclipse project files and import the project into eclipse.
  • The FileVault tool or VLT helps you map the content of a CRX or AEM instance to your file system. It provides change control management operations, such as check-in and check-out of the AEM project content. See How to use the VLT Tool.

  • If you use Eclipse-integrated development environment, you can use AEM Developer tools for seamless integration of Eclipse IDE with AEM instances to create AEM applications. For details, see AEM developer tools for Eclipse.