Adobe Experience Manager Forms: How to change JBoss log path?

Follow the steps in this article to modify the JBoss log path on Adobe Experience Manager Forms in a Windows Server environment.

Description description


  • AEM Forms (version 6.5.12 on JEE full installer JBoss Windows or later)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019


How to change the JBoss log path on AEM Forms in a Windows Server environment?

Resolution resolution

Follow these steps to change the JBoss log path:

Step 1. If the AEM Forms 6.5.12 services are running, stop them.

Step 2. Execute the following command at the command prompt to uninstall the existing service:

       sc delete JBoss_for_Adobe_Experience_Manager_Forms_6.5.12

Step 3. Edit service.bat and replace "!BASE!\log" with your folder path.
            if "%LOGPATH%"=="" set LOGPATH="!BASE!\log"

Step 4. Execute createJBossService.vbs

Step 5. Once the JBoss_for_Adobe_Experience_Manager_Forms_6.5.12 service is registered, start the service.

Step 6. Confirm the log file on changing the folder in Step 3.

Step 7. Adjust the path if you have installed AEM Forms in a non-default location.
