Updating ‘Structure Only’ doesn’t update content of a language copy

This article addresses the issue where using the Structure Only option while updating a language copy in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) fails to update the page content. The resolution provided is that this is the intended behavior as Structure Only updates do not promote the launch, requiring manual promotion of the launch for content changes.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


Using the  Structure Only  option while updating a language copy doesn’t update the content of the page.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new language copy (i.e., ES) using the Structure Only  option.
  2. Edit the English/Master page by adding text.
  3. Update the ES language copy of that page using the Structure Only  option.
  4. Notice that the changes made in step 2 aren’t updated.

Resolution resolution

If a content change is required, the user will have to manually promote the launch.

This is the intended behavior. Structure Only  updates do not promote the launch, so the content is not updated.
