Garbled characters in Analytics Data Feed

This article addresses an issue with Adobe Analytics Data Feeds, where garbled characters appear due to lack of encoding. The resolution involves saving the CSV file with ANSI encoding and opening it in a text editor to view the correctly encoded characters.

Description description


Adobe Analytics


Garbled characters might be seen in Analytics Data Feed. For example,  répéteur  is shown as répéteurhülle  is shown as  hülle, etc. This use case is limited to Data Feeds and is not applicable to Analysis Workspace or API output.

Resolution resolution

Data Feed does not apply any encoding to the data. It simply takes the raw data, does very simple filtering and passes the data along in its raw form. The raw data from Data Feeds makes no attempt to change the encoding. The data seen in Data Feeds is as it is passed from the implementation.

However, encoding can be applied when reading the data to see the correct characters. For example, to read  répéteur as  répéteur, Latin-1 encoding can be applied when reading the raw data file.

Follow these steps to apply Latin-1 encoding:

  1. Save the file in CSV format.
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Save the file and choose encoding as “ANSI”.
  4. Open the saved file to see the correct Latin encoded characters.