How to check configurations when the number of hits seems incorrect

Learn how to configure fastQuerySize option when the actual number of search results differs from the number of hits for a query. There are multiple ways to enable the fastQuerySize option. This article explains how to configure each way.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


How to check configurations when the number of hits seems incorrect?

Resolution resolution

OSGi Configuration:Web Console > Configuration > Apache Jackrabbit Query Engine Settings Service > Fast result size

    Check Fast result size and Save.

Java configuration-Doak.fastQuerySize=true

Add the system property below in your AEM start script(crx-quickstart/bin/start).
        CQ_JVM_OPTS="${CQ_JVM_OPTS} -Doak.fastQuerySize=true"

This configuration overrides OSGi configuration.

JMX:Web Console > JMX > org.apache.jackrabbit.oak: settings (QueryEngineSettings)

    Change Fast result size to true and Save.

This configuration value at JMX overrides other configurations. Restarting AEM resets the value.
