Target VEC Debugging/Troubleshooting

Description description

Unable to load page URL in Adobe Target VEC.

Here are some sample errors:

Resolution resolution

  1. Try clearing cookies and caches or opening your website in incognito mode.

  2. Try using an alternate browser, like – Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge

  3. In such error cases, install VEC helper browser extension

    1. Install the extension from

    2. To use the extension, click the VEC Helper browser extension icon in your Chrome browser’s toolbar while in the VEC.

    3. Enable the “inject target libraries” and “cookies” toggle “on”.

    4. Pop-up asking you to allow the extension to add target libraries to the page to enable the authoring, which you need to allow.

    5. Allow the insecure content from the site settings (

      • Click the lock (caution) icon, then click site settings.

      • Scroll to insecure content, then use the drop-down list to change “Block (default)” to “Allow.”

      • Reload the VEC page.

    6. Set EEC (Enhanced experience composer) as disabled by following steps

      • Go to Target - Administration - VEC- Toggle off the EEC

    Note: In case the issue persists, open the browser developer console and look for an error message there.

  4. The target isn’t supported if the website contains multi-level iframes.

How to Access post-login pages in VEC

  1. Load the page in VEC and click the “browser tab”, enter your credentials and then go to the page you want.
  2. Click on Compose tab and do the modification within VEC.


  1. Open a website in a new tab and enter your login credentials.
  2. Open VEC in Target and directly load the page after logging in.
  3. Now, the page will load in VEC to do the modification.