Event date of delivery log gets frequently updated for SMS deliveries

The event date is used in campaigns to identify the contact/send date of delivery. This article helps resolve the Campaign Classic issue where  event date field in broadlogRcp updates more times than required.

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  • Adobe Campaign Classic
  • Adobe Campaign


The Event Date field in broadlogRcp gets updated more often than expected. Is this normal?

We are using this event date in many of our campaigns to identify the contact/send date of delivery. However, due to the updates on this field, our campaigns are not picking the right customers.

  • What triggers the event date update?
  • Is the event date update related to a change in delivery status?
  • Is there any other field that indicates the first attempt to send the delivery and doesn’t get updated at any point?

Resolution resolution

  • The event date is updated during the lifecycle of the delivery logs: from pending to sent to the service provider to received on mobile. After you receive it on mobile, it should be updated. Also, the event date will be updated for any retry attempt in case an SMS delivery fails to be sent.
  • The event date isn’t linked to the delivery status unless the delivery is canceled/stopped. In normal circumstances, the delivery status depends on the delivery log status.
  • You could try the Contact Date field in the Delivery/Scheduling element. This will be the fixed date when the delivery starts to send the first communications. If your delivery target isn’t too large, you should not have hours between this first contact date and the event date of the last delivery logs. The Contact date is for recurring delivery (where the aggregation is used for delivery ID and delivery label) and for continuous delivery.