Registry error after installing new client console

This article describes ways to resolve the Adobe Campaign Classic issue where an error occurs related to the registry key after installing a new client console. The first thing to ensure after installing is that the setup file uses full admin rights

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic

Post upgrading the Windows version, an error occurs related to the registry key looks similar to error message:

Unable to find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Neolane|NL_5\nlclient\

Resolution resolution

Below are some steps that you can follow to resolve this error:

When you install
Right-click the setup file and select Run as Administrator, just to make sure it tries to use full admin rights.

If above does not work, then try below approaches:

Clear the hard cache
Please follow the below steps to clear out the hard cache:

  1. Close the console.
  2. Open the folder C:\Users\<Windows Username>\AppData\Roaming\Neolane\NL_5.
  3. Delete all the xml files except nlclient_cnx.xml and delete the nlclient sub-folder.
  4. Then restart the console to if that is successful.

Remove a key in your computer’s registry

Use the windows registry editor (regedit) to remove the key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Neolane.

How to access this key:

  1. In the Start menu, type regedit in the section Search programs and files.
  2. A new window opens saying, “Do you want the following program to make changes to this computer” then say Yes.
  3. Registry Editor opens in a new window.
  4. Delete the following key: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Neolane.

Then restart your computer, and then reinstall Neolane.

Last method
Also, in the past all the issues related to this error were resolved by following the below mentioned steps:

  1. Close the console.

  2. Go to the appropriate path depending on the OS you have on your local machine, for XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Neolane\NL_5 and for Windows 7/10: C:\Users\[ Windows User Name] \AppData\Roaming\Neolane\NL_5.

  3. Delete all files and subfolders inside this folder except nlclient_cnx.xml. Please ensure that you do not delete the file nlclient_cnx.xml.

  4. Check if you still face the error. If not, the problem is resolved. If you observe the problem again, please redo steps 1 through 3 and then continue with the step.

  5. Uninstall the client, delete both the following registry entries below, then reboot and reinstall the client:[ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\MostRecentApplication]

    [ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Neolane\NL_5\nlclient\Forms\]

This has many subfolders/entries relating to various forms and other items, so just delete the whole folder.

Note: If it’s a 32-bit Windows, then ignore the Wow6432Node\ subfolder, since it doesn’t exist in 32-bit Windows.

Note: It is important to make a registry backup or create system restore point before performing these tasks.
