Can a Target Audience be created based on cookie value?

There is no option in Adobe Target to create audience based on cookie value, but this can be done with help of Adobe Launch. You can also solve this using Javascript, with a code snippet.

Description description


Adobe Target without Adobe Launch


Unable to create a Target Audience based on cookie value.

Resolution resolution

Steps to resolve:

There is no option in Adobe Target to create audience based on cookie value, but this can be done with help of Adobe Launch.

  1. Go to data elements in Adobe Launch.
  2. Add a data element.
  3. Name =  Element_Name
  4. Extension =  Core
  5. Data Element Type = Cookie
  6. Default Value =  None
  7. Check Clean Text.
  8. Storage Duration =  Page view/Session/ Visitor - As per your requirement
  9. Cookie Name =  Cookie_Name
  10. Save the data element.
  11. Pass it in your global mbox.
  12. Name: any name to capture in Target
  13. Value: Data element name that you created earlier

Go to Adobe Target.

  1. Create Audience.
  2. Rule > Custom > Type Name (which is passed in mbox through launch) > follow your conditions.

Using Javascript, you can use a code snippet like the example below:

targetPageParams = function() {

var cookieValue = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:|.*;\s*)COOKIENAME\s*\=\s*([ ;] *).*$)|.*$/, "$1");

              return "PARAMNAME="+cookieValue;


/* replace `COOKIENAME` and `PARAMNAME` */