VideoScrubber.timepattern videoscrubber-timepattern

Configuration attribute for Smart Crop Video Viewer.



Sets the pattern for the time that is displayed in the time bubble, where h is hours, m is minutes, and s is seconds.

The number of letters used for each time unit determines the number of digits to display for the unit. If the number cannot fit into the given digits, the equivalent value is displayed in the subsequent unit.

For example, if the current movie time is 67 minutes and 5 seconds, the time pattern m:ss shows as 67:05. The same time is displayed as 1:07:5 if the given time pattern is hs.

Properties section-f42369774e2740dcb399626a0e4e930e


Default section-d016470e92a74f98a18c4ab3489410a5


Example section-7621c8ebd4144bc08a537d01bd9c3f2f
