InfoPanelPopup.template infopanelpopup-template

[InfoPanelPopup.|<containerId>_infoPanelPopup.]template= *template*


The content template that the data returned from the info server is merged into.

The content template is an XML following this DTD:

<!DOCTYPE info [ <!ELEMENT info (var #PCDATA) <!ELEMENT var (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST var  name CDATA #REQUIRED rollover CDATA #IMPLIED > ]>

The actual syntax for the content template is the following:

<info> <var name='VAR_NAME' rollover='ROLLOVER_KEY'><!CDATA[ VAR_VALUE ]]> <![CDATA[ TEMPLATE_CONTENT ]]> </info>

That is, the template must start with the <info> element that may contain optional default <var> elements. The template content itself, TEMPLATE_CONTENT is HTML text. In addition, the content template may contain variable names enclosed in $ characters that are replaced with the variable values that the info server returns or with default ones.

Default variables that are defined in the template can be either global (if rollover attribute is not set) or specific to a certain rollover key (if rollover attribute is present).

During template processing variables that are specific to roll over keys take precedence over global variables.

When you configure Info Panel Popup, the HTML code, and JavaScript code passed to the Info Panel runs on the client’s computer. Therefore, make sure that such HTML code and JavaScript code are secure.

Properties section-6dd7785357d740d095fa9f7fd0f67da4


Default section-cd5db06d08aa4de49e37d6c938b41570


Example section-16d184665c484964af9a22f79ff3f840

Assuming that the info server response returns the product name as variable $1$ and product image URL is returned as variable $2$.

template=<info><![CDATA[Product description:$1$<br>Product image:<img src="$2$">]]></info>
