Audience Manager Advanced Skills

  • Audience Manager
  • User, Admin
  • Experienced
  • Last Updated: June 15, 2022

Course Description

Once you have mastered the basics of Audience Manager, take this course to learn about taking your Audience Management to the next level. Learn how to use AI with algorithmic models, how to use Profile Merge Rules to understand your customers as people instead of devices, and other great topics to extend the use of the DMP.

What you’ll learn

  1. How to leverage AI with algorithmic models
  2. How to use Profile Merge Rules to understand your customers as people instead of devices
  3. How to buy or sell data on the Audience Marketplace
  4. How to use reports in Audience Manager to gauge effectiveness
  5. How to integrate Audience Manager with other applications in the Experience Cloud

Let’s get learning.

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