Get Started with Tags

Learn the fundamentals of tags, Adobe's tag management system, so you can implement any web-based Adobe Experience Cloud application.

Add users and manage permissions in Data Collection

Add users and manage permissions in Data Collection

Learn how to add users and manage permissions for Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection features so employees at your company have the access they need to do their jobs.


{ "description": "Learn how to add users and manage permissions for Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection features so employees at your company have the access they need to do their jobs.", "duration": "PT0H8M34S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Add users and manage permissions in Data Collection", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Add users and manage permissions in Data Collection" }

Create a tag property

Create a tag property

Learn how to create tag properties to manage the marketing tags on your website.


{ "description": "Learn how to create tag properties to manage the marketing tags on your website.", "duration": "PT0H5M21S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Create a tag property", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "What is a property?", "startOffset": 39, "endOffset": 79, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Planning considerations", "startOffset": 80, "endOffset": 158, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Demo", "startOffset": 159, "endOffset": 321, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Create a tag property" }

Choose a hosting option for your tag library

Choose a hosting option for your tag library

Learn how to choose the best hosting option for your tag library.


{ "description": "Learn how to choose the best hosting option for your tag library.", "duration": "PT0H5M33S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Choose a hosting option for your tag library", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Adobe-hosted option", "startOffset": 37, "endOffset": 96, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Self-hosted option", "startOffset": 97, "endOffset": 163, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Hosts in the interface", "startOffset": 164, "endOffset": 333, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Choose a hosting option for your tag library" }

Use tag environments and embed codes

Use tag environments and embed codes

Learn how to use development, staging, and production environments and embed codes to develop and validate your tag property.


{ "description": "Learn how to use development, staging, and production environments and embed codes to develop and validate your tag property.", "duration": "PT0H11M18S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Use tag environments and embed codes", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "What are environments?", "startOffset": 19, "endOffset": 103, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Definitions-libraries and embed codes", "startOffset": 104, "endOffset": 145, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Environments in the tags interface", "startOffset": 146, "endOffset": 196, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Add a new environment", "startOffset": 197, "endOffset": 257, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Get the embed codes", "startOffset": 258, "endOffset": 280, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "China CDN embed codes", "startOffset": 281, "endOffset": 336, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Load embed codes in your website", "startOffset": 337, "endOffset": 445, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Embed codes-async vs sync", "startOffset": 446, "endOffset": 558, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Embed codes-swap with Debugger", "startOffset": 559, "endOffset": 611, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Publishing a library to different environments", "startOffset": 612, "endOffset": 678, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Use tag environments and embed codes" }

Add and configure tag extensions

Add and configure tag extensions

Learn how to add and configure extensions in your tag property.


{ "description": "Learn how to add and configure extensions in your tag property.", "duration": "PT0H6M10S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Add and configure tag extensions", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "What is a tag extension?", "startOffset": 10, "endOffset": 55, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Core extension", "startOffset": 56, "endOffset": 109, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Extension catalog", "startOffset": 110, "endOffset": 157, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Web SDK extension", "startOffset": 158, "endOffset": 193, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Extension configurations", "startOffset": 194, "endOffset": 251, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Extension options for rules", "startOffset": 252, "endOffset": 279, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Extension option in data elements", "startOffset": 280, "endOffset": 291, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Summary", "startOffset": 292, "endOffset": 370, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Add and configure tag extensions" }

Create tag data elements

Create tag data elements

Learn how to create data elements to store values pulled from your data layer and make them available to rules and extensions in your tag property.


{ "description": "Learn how to create data elements to store values pulled from your data layer and make them available to rules and extensions in your tag property.", "duration": "PT0H9M48S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Create tag data elements", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "What is a data element?", "startOffset": 28, "endOffset": 82, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Create a data element", "startOffset": 83, "endOffset": 317, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Reference one data element in another data element", "startOffset": 318, "endOffset": 507, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Validate a data element in the developer console using _satellite.getVar('NAME')", "startOffset": 508, "endOffset": 588, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Create tag data elements" }

Build tag rules

Build tag rules

Learn how to create rules so you can execute commands in tags. Events and conditions determine *when* to do stuff while actions determine *what* to do.


{ "description": "Learn how to create rules so you can execute commands in tags. Events and conditions determine *when* to do stuff while actions determine *what* to do.", "duration": "PT0H9M11S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Build tag rules", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "What is a rule?", "startOffset": 6, "endOffset": 54, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Set up a rule", "startOffset": 55, "endOffset": 144, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Events", "startOffset": 145, "endOffset": 256, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Conditions", "startOffset": 257, "endOffset": 336, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Actions", "startOffset": 337, "endOffset": 454, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Validate rules with Experience Platform Debugger", "startOffset": 455, "endOffset": 500, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Validate rules in the developer console", "startOffset": 501, "endOffset": 551, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Build tag rules" }

Rule stacking in tags

Rule stacking in tags

Learn how to stack rules a tag property. Rule stacking uses the order feature in tag rule events to sequence rules so you can manage scalable tag implementations.


{ "description": "Learn how to stack rules a tag property. Rule stacking uses the order feature in tag rule events to sequence rules so you can manage scalable tag implementations.", "duration": "PT0H13M27S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Rule stacking in tags", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2024-03-06T22:47:06Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Demo use case", "startOffset": 14, "endOffset": 44, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Prerequisites", "startOffset": 45, "endOffset": 83, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Data elements", "startOffset": 84, "endOffset": 220, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Create rules", "startOffset": 221, "endOffset": 692, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Validate rules with Experience Platform Debugger", "startOffset": 693, "endOffset": 807, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Rule stacking in tags" }

Build and publish a tag library

Build and publish a tag library

Learn how to create a library in your tag property and push changes through your development, staging, and production environments.


{ "description": "Learn how to create a library in your tag property and push changes through your development, staging, and production environments.", "duration": "PT0H11M14S", "embedUrl": "", "name": "Build and publish a tag library", "thumbnailUrl": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "@type": [ "VideoObject", "LearningResource" ], "uploadDate": "2019-09-10T22:20:30Z", "hasPart": [ { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Publishing workflow overview", "startOffset": 15, "endOffset": 57, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Libraries overview", "startOffset": 58, "endOffset": 75, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Demo", "startOffset": 76, "endOffset": 174, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Revisions", "startOffset": 175, "endOffset": 234, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Compare revisions", "startOffset": 235, "endOffset": 252, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Build to development", "startOffset": 253, "endOffset": 287, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Build to staging", "startOffset": 288, "endOffset": 329, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Using multiple libraries simultaneously", "startOffset": 330, "endOffset": 431, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Select a working library", "startOffset": 432, "endOffset": 539, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Publish to production", "startOffset": 540, "endOffset": 591, "url": "" }, { "@type": "Clip", "name": "Roll back a published library", "startOffset": 592, "endOffset": 674, "url": "" } ], "educationLevel": [ "Beginner" ], "learningResourceType": "Build and publish a tag library" }