Monitor workflows monitor-workflows

In Adobe Campaign, some worklow parameters may require specific attention to avoid any issues on your instances. The Control Panel Storage overview details allow you to check if any of these options are enabled for your workflows.

Keep interim results keep-results

When enabled (value “1”), this option saves the results of the transitions between the various activities of a workflow. Learn more in Campaign Standard and Campaign Classic documentation.

This option must never be checked in a production workflow. It is used for analysis and testing purposes, and must therefore only be used on development or staging environments. We strongly recommend turning it off in Campaign.

Show SQL log sql

When this option is enabled, the SQL queries sent to the database during workflow execution are displayed in Adobe Campaign. Learn more in Campaign Standard and Campaign Classic documentation.

The value “1” indicates that the worklow has the Severity field set to “Production”, and that the SQL query log option is enabled.

Activating this option may impact performances and fill in the log files on the server. It should be used for analysis and diagnostic purposes only.

Supervisors supervisors

This field allows you to assign an operator to a workflow. If the workflow fails, the associated operator will be alerted. Learn more in Campaign Standard and Campaign Classic documentation.

The value “1” indicates that the worklow has the Severity field set to “Production” and that no supervisor group has been assigned to the workflow.
