Annual planning for upgrades

Many companies work from annual budgets and roadmaps. It is imperative during these annual discussions that you talk about your platform health, direction, and upgrade strategy for the year, along with how it fits into the overall goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) of the business.

Following the release schedule, assign budget and release windows for upgrades, avoiding holidays, company closures, and peak times. By understanding the Adobe release schedule and staying informed of what changes and improvements are part of each release through the release notes, you can better plan your year.

During planning, you may want to ask yourself:

  • Are there any customizations or extensions that must be built to meet the goals of my business?
  • Am I checking that these customizations and extensions are not provided natively by Adobe and are not in an upcoming release? If they are, I might be able to save my company both install time and money.
  • Do I have any third-party integrations that may need maintenance during the upcoming year?

To ensure that your team is on the right track, plan for an upgrade checkpoint midway through the year to review your plans, budget, timeline, and the team’s capacity.
