Manage your authentication keys

You can also disable or delete authentication keys. For example, you can disable or delete keys for security reasons after someone leaves your organization.

  • To disable keys: Click Disable. You can do this if you want to suspend use of your keys.
  • To enable a previously disabled key: Click Enable.
  • To delete keys: Click Delete.

Manage SSH access token

To download Adobe Commerce releases using SSH, you must generate a Downloads Access Token. To generate a token:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Click My Account at the top of the page.

  3. Click Account Settings > Downloads Access Token.

    Access your keys

  4. Click Generate new token to replace and disable an existing token.

You must use your MAGEID plus your token to download a release. Your MAGEID is displayed at the top left of your account page.

For example:

curl -k

Use your authentication keys to:

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