Configure Remote Storage

The Remote Storage module provides the option to store media files and schedule imports and exports in a persistent, remote storage container using a storage service, such as AWS S3.

By default, the Adobe Commerce application stores media files in the same filesystem that contains the application. This is inefficient for complex, multi-server configurations, and can result in degraded performance when sharing resources. With the Remote Storage module, you can store media files in the pub/media directory and import/export files in the var directory of the remote object storage to take advantage of server-side image resizing.


You cannot have both remote storage and database storage enabled at the same time. You must disable database storage before enabling remote storage.

bin/magento config:set system/media_storage_configuration/media_database 0

Enabling remote storage might affect your established development experience. For example, certain PHP file functions might not work as expected. The usage of Commerce Framework for file operations must be enforced. The list of prohibited PHP native functions is available in the magento-coding-standard repository.


schema image

Remote storage options

You can configure remote storage using the remote-storage option with the setup CLI command. The remote-storage option uses the following syntax:


The parameter-name refers to the specific remote storage parameter name. The following table lists the parameters available for configuring remote storage:

Command-line Parameter
Parameter name
Default value
Adapter name
Possible values:
file: Disables remote storage and uses the local filesystem
aws-s3: Use the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Object storage or container name
Optional prefix (location inside of object storage)
Region name
access key
Optional access key
secret key
Optional secret key

Storage adapters

The default storage location is in the local filesystem. A storage adapter enables you to connect to a storage service and store your files anywhere. Commerce supports configuring the following storage services:

Enable remote storage

You can install remote storage during an Adobe Commerce installation or add remote storage to an existing Commerce instance. The following examples demonstrate each method using a set of remote-storage parameters with Commerce setup CLI commands. Minimally, you must supply the storage driver, bucket, and region.

  • Example: Install Commerce with remote storage

    code language-bash
    bin/magento setup:install --remote-storage-driver="aws-s3" --remote-storage-bucket="myBucket" --remote-storage-region="us-east-1"
  • Example: Enable remote storage on existing Commerce

    code language-bash
    bin/magento setup:config:set --remote-storage-driver="aws-s3" --remote-storage-bucket="myBucket" --remote-storage-region="us-east-1"
For Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, see Configure remote storage for Commerce on Cloud infrastructure.

Migrate content

After you enable remote storage for a specific adapter, you can use the CLI to migrate existing media files to the remote storage.

./magento2ce/bin/magento remote-storage:sync
The sync command only migrates files in the pub/media directory, not the import/export files in the var directory. See Scheduled Import/Export in the Commerce 2.4 User Guide.