Manage the system-specific configuration

The system-specific configuration is stored in app/etc/env.php, which should not be in source control.

Set the system-specific configuration in the Admin in your development (or Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure integration) system and write the configuration to env.php using the magento app:config:dump command.

This command also writes sensitive settings to env.php.

Manage the sensitive configuration

The sensitive configuration is also stored in app/etc/env.php.

You can manage the sensitive configuration in any of the following ways:

Configuration settings locked in the Admin

Any configuration settings in config.php or env.php are locked in the Admin; that is, those settings cannot be changed in the Admin.
Use the magento config:set or magento config:set --lock command to change the settings in the config.php or env.php files.

The Commerce Admin

The Admin exhibits the following behavior while in production mode:

  • You cannot enable or disable cache types in the Admin

  • Developer settings are unavailable (Stores > Settings > Configuration > Advanced > Developer), including:

    • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

    • Merge CSS and JavaScript

    • Server-side or client-side LESS compilation

    • Inline translations

    • As discussed previously, any configuration setting in config.php or env.php is locked and cannot be edited in the Admin.

    • You can change the Admin locale only to languages used by deployed themes

      The following figure shows an example of the Account Setting > Interface Locale list in the Admin showing only two deployed locales:

      You can change the Admin locale only to deployed locales

  • You cannot change locale configurations for any scope using the Admin.

    We recommend making these changes before switching to Production mode.

    You can still configure the locale using environment variables or the config:set CLI command with the path general/locale/code.