Guest Users

The guest checkout experience is different from the Adobe user experience. When a shopper enters an email address into checkout, the Quick Checkout validates it and finds an existing Bolt account.

The In-Store Pickup (ISPU) functionality is not supported when the Quick Checkout is enabled.

Registered Bolt account

If a Bolt account is found, shoppers continue with their Quick Checkout seamless checkout experience:

  1. Input the One-Time Password (OTP) sent to that Bolt account’s email address or mobile, depending on user’s preferences in the Bolt account.

OTP Pop-up {width="300" modal="regular"}

  1. Once logged in with your Bolt account, the details are automatically added:

    • Shipping information
    • Payment method
  2. Place your order.

The guest user places the order, and they can optionally register in Adobe Commerce.

New Bolt account

If no Bolt account is found, shoppers continue with their default out-of-the-box Adobe Commerce checkout and the shopper provides all necessary details to place order:

  • Shipping and billing information
  • Shipping method
  • Review payment method
  • A checkbox appears to register in Bolt for faster checkouts before placing the order. The shopper can agree to the terms and conditions to create their Bolt account.
  • The guest user places the order, and they can optionally register in Adobe Commerce.