Quick Checkout Flow

This section provides an overview of the typical checkout experience using the Quick Checkout for Adobe Commerce extension.

A successful Quick Checkout flow consists of the following steps:

  1. Open your storefront and add items in your cart.
  2. Proceed to checkout.

Checkout {width="200" modal="regular"}

You can enable automatic login for your merchant. See Bolt’s Enable Automatic Login topic for more information.
  1. When prompted, enter an email address associated with a Bolt account.
  2. Input the One-Time Password (OTP) sent to that Bolt account’s email address or phone number.

OTP Pop-up {width="300" modal="regular"}

  1. Once logged in with your Bolt account, checkout details are automatically filled in:

    • Shipping information
    • Payment method
    note note
    You can use your existing wallet information (address or credit card information) even if your checkout details are automatically filled in.
  2. Place Order.

The Quick Checkout is compatible with standard additional Adobe Commerce checkout options, such as gift cards or discount codes.

Quick Checkout use cases

The Quick Checkout allows for multiple use cases during a checkout flow:

Get help

Contact Adobe Commerce Support through the Adobe Commerce Help Center for any assistance.
