Product Recommendations Release Notes

The release notes contain updates to the following Product Recommendations modules:

  • Product Recommendations metapackage: magento/product-recommendations
  • Page Builder support in Product Recommendations (optional) module: magento/module-page-builder-product-recommendations
  • Visual similarity recommendation type support for Product Recommendations (optional) module: magento/module-visual-product-recommendations

Support is provided for the current major released version. Release notes for older versions are provided for reference.
The release notes include:

New New features
Fix Fixes and improvements
Bug Known issues

See the developer documentation to learn about product support.

Hosted service updates

These notes describe updates or known issues that were published or discovered outside of a versioned release or improvements to the hosted service.

January 31, 2025

New There is a new data retention policy for unqueried catalog data in your testing envionment. Learn more.

June 28, 2024

Bug Products added to the cart from a Product Recommendations unit on the cart page are not removed from the list of recommended products when the cart page reloads.
Bug Products removed from the cart continue to persist in the cartSkus array until the cart page reloads.

July 18, 2023

New Product Recommendations now has a GraphQL recommendations query.

April 25, 2023

New Product Recommendations customers can now take advantage of SaaS price indexing.

Current major version

6.1.0 of magento/product-recommendations

March 11, 2025

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

New Added PHP 8.4 support.

Previous versions

6.0.3 of magento/product-recommendations

November 6, 2024

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

Fix Fixed an issue where the category filter included categories that did not belong to the current storeview.
Fix Fixed a dependency issue in the magento/product-recommendations metapackage.

6.0.2 of magento/product-recommendations

May 9, 2024

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

Fix Fixed an issue where clicking the Add to Cart button on a simple product inside a Product Recommendations unit redirected the shopper to the home page rather than staying on the current page.
Bug There is a validation error caused by the referenceBlock element in the ProductRecommendations Layout XML file.

6.0.1 of magento/product-recommendations

March 19, 2024

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

New Added PHP 8.3 support.

6.0.0 of magento/product-recommendations

February 22, 2024

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

New The Catalog Sync Dashboard is now the Data Management Dashboard. This revamped dashboard provides insights into data streams for Product Recommendations, Live Search, and Catalog Service.
Fix Fixed an issue that caused checkout errors for Product Recommendations.

5.0.0 and prior

5.0.1 of magento/product-recommendations

September 15, 2023

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

New Added new modules to support the Saas Price Indexer.
New Added new data export modules to support exporting more product types including bundled products and gift cards.
Fix The table size of the Products and Price feeds have been greatly reduced. Tables catalog_data_exporter_products and catalog_data_exporter_product_prices should see a substantial size reduction.

Known limitations

  • The websiteCode value is incorrectly returned if it contains an underscore (_).

5.0.0 of magento/product-recommendations

March 20,2023

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

New Updated Product Recommendations to support Adobe Commerce 2.4.6.
New This is a major version release. Edit the root composer.json file for your project.
New Product Recommendations now supports full Inventory Management capabilities in Commerce (formerly knows as Multi-Source Inventory, or MSI). To enable full support, you must update the dependency module commerce-data-export to version 102.2.0+.

4.0.1 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

Fix Previously, Product Recommendations would show an error when the display currency was switched to a non-default currency. Switching currencies now works properly.

4.0.0 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 and newer

New Added readiness indicators to help you visualize the training progress of each recommendation type.
New This is a major version release. Edit the root composer.json file for your project. This release also requires you to provide two API keys when installing and configuring Product Recommendations: a production key and a sandbox key.

Known limitations

  • The websiteCode value is incorrectly returned if it contains an underscore (_).

3.3.7 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added PHP 8.1 support
New Improved image resizing so that images sizing is handled more consistently in the reference display template

3.3.6 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Optimized Product Recommendations metapackage by explicitly listing the dependencies

3.3.5 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added B2B support in Product Recommendations
New Added new feeds to sync catalog data to Commerce Services via the command line

3.3.3 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added new recommendation types: Conversion (view to cart), Conversion (view to purchase), and Recently viewed. These new recommendation types are available in the magento/product-recommendations module 3.2.2 and later.
Fix Fixed an issue where Fastly’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) was incorrectly blocking a cookie
Fix Fixed issue where products assigned to the non-default Store View were not being displayed in the Recommendations Product Preview panel when creating a recommendation for that specific Store View
Fix Fixed issue where certain recommendation unit names in Page Builder prevented the recommendation unit to display on the storefront

3.3.2 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Fixed missing dependency for B2B support

3.3.1 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added support for B2B customer group pricing. When you set a price filter on a recommendation unit, B2B customers who are logged in see the customer group pricing set for the products displayed.

3.3.0 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added support for Adobe Client Data Layer to standardize behavioral data collection across Adobe Commerce features and services. See the readme to learn more.

3.2.6 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Fixed a JavaScript modal error
Fix Fixed an issue where Fastly’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) was incorrectly blocking a cookie

3.2.5 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Renamed Magento Services to Commerce Services and improved usability in the Admin

3.2.4 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Fixed the “Unable to retrieve configurable product options data” error when indexing product attributes

3.2.3 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Fixed the “Unable to retrieve configurable product options data” error during Catalog Sync
Fix Fixed an issue where the store code was not being set correctly when you enabled the “Add store code to URL” configuration
Fix Improved detection of Admin Panel configuration changes to ensure that these changes are reflected in Catalog Sync data

3.2.2 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added the ability to preview recommendation results at creation time. This might require that you update your module to the latest version.
New Added the ability to monitor and manage the catalog sync process from the Admin.
New Added filters to control which products are displayed in recommendations.
New Added the Visual similarity recommendation type.

1.2.1 of magento/module-page-builder-product-recommendations for Page Builder

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added support for the 3.2.0+ version of the magento/product-recommendations module

3.1.0 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added the ability to resync your catalog to SaaS services via command line.
New Added support for database table prefixes
Fix Removed PHP 7.1 support

3.0.8 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Fixed an issue where events were sent for data collection before the module was configured, causing invalid traffic

3.0.6 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New (Beta) Includes support for new Visual similarity recommendation type.

1.0.0 of magento/module-visual-product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New (Beta) Visual similarity. With the Visual similarity recommendation type, you can deploy a recommendation unit to your product detail page that displays products that are visually similar to the product being viewed.

3.0.5 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Fixed the “Unable to retrieve product options data” error that could occur during catalog export.
Fix The currency symbol in the Revenue column on the Product Recommendations dashboard now correctly reflects the configured base currency.

3.0.4 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Added support for Adobe Commerce 2.4.0

3.0.3 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

Fix Improved symbol implementation in storefront template

1.0.4 of magento/module-page-builder-product-recommendations for Page Builder

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added Product Recommendation name when editing the Page Builder content type

3.0.2 magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Added a status column on the grid when selecting Recommendation units in Page Builder
Fix Fixed an issue with incorrect http/https protocols in product and image URLs

3.0.1 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

This is a major version release. Edit your project’s root composer.json file.

New Fetch Product Recommendations from alternate SaaS Data Spaces. This allows you to use Product Recommendations computed in your product environment on other, non-production environments. Switching SaaS Data Spaces further describes this feature.

Fix Fixed an issue where checkout was inhibited for shoppers using uBlock Origin
Fix Fixed an issue sending extraneous add-to-cart events

1.0.3 of magento/module-page-builder-product-recommendations for Page Builder

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New Page Builder support. With the Page Builder integration, you can accurately and granularly place Recommendation units in any arbitrary location on Page Builder-authored content. You can also style the headings and recommendation units themselves. Go to Page Builder for more information.

2.0.0 of magento/product-recommendations

[Supported]{class="badge informative" title="Supported"} Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.x and newer

New General availability release!


To learn more about Product Recommendations and Product Recommendations development:
