Choose the recommendations source

To change the source of your product recommendations data, choose the SaaS data space with the behavioral data that you want to use. Before you begin, make sure that:

  • Storefront data collection must be configured and enabled for your production environment and verified that behavioral data is being sent to Adobe Commerce.
  • Your non-production environment catalog should be essentially the same as your production catalog. Using similar catalogs ensures that the product recommendation units returned closely mimic those in production.
  1. Log in to the Admin of your non-production Adobe Commerce environment.

  2. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Promotions > Product Recommendations.

  3. Click Settings.

    product recommendation settings

  4. In the Recommendations source section, enable the Fetch recommendations from a different SaaS data space option. The Recommendations source section only appears in a non-production environment.

    A list of Available SaaS Data Spaces appears.

    product recommendation settings

  5. Select the SaaS data space that has shopper data you want to use.

  6. Click Save changes.

    Adobe Commerce now fetches recommendations from the selected data space.

    While you can view recommendations fetched from another SaaS data space on the non-production storefront, you cannot click the recommendations.

Configure a new SaaS data space

  1. In the Recommendations source section, click Edit Configuration.

  2. Follow the instructions to configure a new Commerce service.

Enable visual recommendations

If the Visual Product Recommendations module is installed, you must enable Visual Recommendations to use the Visual Similarity recommendation type.

In the Visual Recommendations section, set Enable Visual Recommendations to the active position.
