Fastly CDN module for Magento 2

Fastly services for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure use the Fastly CDN module for Magento 2 installed in the following environments: Pro Staging and Production, Starter Production (master branch).

On initial provisioning or upgrade of your Adobe Commerce project, Adobe installs the latest version of the Fastly CDN module in your Staging and Production environments. When Fastly releases module updates, you receive notifications in the Admin for your environments. Adobe recommends that you update your environments to use the latest release. See Upgrade Fastly.

Fastly service account and credentials

Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure projects are not given a dedicated Fastly account. The Fastly service is managed in a centralized account registered to Adobe, and the management dashboard is only accessible to the Cloud Support team.

Instead, each Staging and Production environment has unique Fastly credentials (API token and service ID) to configure and manage Fastly services from the Commerce Admin. The Fastly API is available for performing advanced management of the Fastly service, which will require the credentials to submit those requests.

During project provisioning, Adobe adds your project to the Fastly service account for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure and adds the Fastly credentials to the configuration for the Staging and Production environments. See Get Fastly credentials.

Change Fastly API token

Submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket to change the Fastly API token credential. When you receive the new token, update your Staging or Production environment to use the new token.

To change the Fastly API token credential:

  1. Submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket requesting new Fastly API credentials.

    Include your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure project ID and the environments that require a new credential.

  2. After you receive the new API token, update the API token value in the Fastly credentials configuration in the Admin or from the Cloud Console environment variables.

  3. Test the new credential.

  4. After you update the credential, submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket to delete the old API token.

Multiple Fastly accounts and assigned domains

Fastly only allows you to assign an apex domain and associated subdomains to one Fastly service and account. If you have an existing Fastly account that links the same apex and subdomains used for your Adobe Commerce site, you have the following options:

  • Remove the apex and subdomains from the existing account before requesting Fastly service credentials for your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure project environments. See Working with Domains in the Fastly documentation.

    Use this option to link the apex domain and all subdomains to the Fastly service account for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure.

  • Submit an Adobe Commerce support ticket to request domain delegation so that apex and subdomains can be linked to different accounts.

    Use this option if you have an apex domain that has multiple subdomains for Adobe Commerce and non-Adobe Commerce sites, and you want to link these subdomains to different Fastly accounts.