Listing Rules

You can access the listing rules for store in the store dashboard.

Listing rules define the rules to determine which products Amazon sales channel publishes to Amazon. These rules provide many options to create simple to complex rules to include or exclude products as listings. Each rule consists of conditions that set the requirements for product listing eligibility.

Your listing rules are continually synchronized with your Commerce catalog. When you add new Commerce products that meet eligibility requirements set by your listing rules, the products are automatically processed for listing on Amazon.

  • If you want all of your products to be published to an Amazon listing, do not define any conditions for your listing rules.

  • If you want to limit which of your catalog products that are published to Amazon, you define your listing rule conditions. Defining the conditions for your Amazon listing rules follow the same logic and process as defining the conditions for Cart Price Rules.

  • If your listing rules exclude a product, the eligibility status for that product changes to Ineligible. Ineligible products are not published to Amazon.

  • If an ineligible product is already listed on Amazon and you match the Amazon listing to your Commerce catalog product, the quantity for the Amazon listing changes to 0 to prevent sales of the product. Amazon listings can be manually removed.

Changes to quantity and eligibility status impact all listings that share the Amazon Seller SKU in marketplaces that exist for stores selling in the same region (as defined in Amazon Marketplace Country during store integration). However, a change to a shared Amazon Seller SKU in one region does not affect the product’s Amazon listings in a different country.

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Configure Listing Rules settings

  1. Click Listing Rules on the store dashboard.

  2. Define your desired conditions for the eligibility of products to be listed on Amazon.

See Example: Define a Condition.

The available options depend on the websites you have set up in your Commerce configuration. Select the website for the eligible products listed on Amazon. Only one website can be selected, as each website requires a unique Amazon store created in Amazon sales channel.
Used to define the Commerce attributes for product eligibility within your Amazon region. See Example: Define a Condition.

Conditions workspace

Any areas in the conditions that are bold can be clicked to see the various options.

  • Do not add conditions if all products within the selected websites are eligible.
  • There is a complex set of back-end processes to communicate with Amazon’s systems directly. Based on the number of items you are attempting to list, and how busy Amazon’s systems might be (such as Black Friday), it could take time for your items to be listed on Amazon.

For more information about conditions, see Describe the Conditions.

Listing rule preview

When you are modifying your condition definitions for your listing rules, you can click Preview Changes to apply your rules changes and view how your listings are impacted. Verify your listings in this listing preview feature before saving your listing rule changes.

Your Amazon listings are compared against your rules and defined conditions. You can then review:

  • Which products move to an ineligible status based on your current Amazon Seller Central account
  • Which products move from an ineligible state back to eligible status
  • Which products are New Amazon Listings and added to your Amazon listing from your eligible Commerce products

Listing Preview allows you to preview your potential Amazon listings and make any necessary adjustments to your listing rules.

Your potential Amazon listings populate on the Listing Preview page in one of three tabs:

  • Ineligible Listings - Products listed are not eligible for Amazon listing based on your current listing rules and conditions.

    Ineligible products are not published to Amazon. If an ineligible product is already listed on Amazon and you match the Amazon listing to your Commerce catalog product, the quantity for the Amazon listing changes to 0 to prevent sales of the product. To manually remove a listing, see Ending an Amazon Listing. Products that are not eligible by Amazon requirements are not listed here. Those products are listed on the Inactive Listings tab.

  • Eligible Listings - Products listed are eligible for Amazon listing based on your current listing rules and conditions and are also eligible by Amazon requirements. This list includes your existing Amazon listings that import (if you have Import Third-Party Listings set to Import Listing in Listing Settings).

  • New Listings - Products listed include your Commerce catalog products that are newly eligible for Amazon listing based on your current listing rules and conditions, and create and publish new Amazon listings.

View your listing preview

  1. Click Listing Rules on the store dashboard.

  2. View or add your listing rules.

  3. Modify your Listing Rule Conditions.

  4. Click Preview Changes.

  5. Review and confirm your listings in the Ineligible Listings, Eligible Listings, and New Listings tabs.

  6. If your listings match your expectations, click Save and close.

    If your listings do no not appear as expected, click Back and modify your rules and conditions until your listings match your expectations.

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Listing preview records

Product ID
The unique, sequential number that is assigned to a Commerce catalog product when it is added.
Shows a thumbnail of the main product image.
The name of the product, managed in the Commerce products grid.
The type of product, managed in the Commerce products grid.
Attribute Set
The name of the attribute set used as a template for the product, managed in the Commerce products grid.
The unique Stock Keeping Unit that is assigned to the product, managed in the Commerce products grid.

Indicates where the product is visible, managed in the Commerce products grid. Options:

  • Not visible individually
  • Catalog
  • Search
  • Catalog, Search
Indicates the status of the product, managed in the Commerce products grid. Options: Enabled / Disabled

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