Third-party Listings

The third-party listing settings are part of your store listing settings. Listing settings are accessed from the store dashboard.

These settings determine if your Commerce catalog imports products from your existing Amazon Seller Central listings. It is a best practice to import listings from Amazon, to ensure that all listings have matching Commerce products. When your listings are part of your Commerce catalog, you can manage all of your products from a single catalog and use Amazon sales channel features. These features include fulfillment and order management with Amazon, intelligent repricing, and quantity management.

When configured to import your Amazon listings, Amazon sales channel imports your Amazon listings into your Commerce catalog, attempting to match them to existing products. If a match is not automatically found, you can import the Amazon listing as a new Commerce product or manually match the listing to a product.

If you choose to import your Amazon listings, choose the Commerce attributes with values for Amazon Seller SKU and Amazon ASIN. If you do not have Commerce product attributes, consider creating and assigning them. Mapping these attributes helps correctly match imported Amazon listings to your Commerce products.

The initial listing import initiates when store integration is complete. Afterward and based on your cron settings, Commerce continually checks for newly added Amazon listings (not created in Amazon Sales Channel) and updates your Commerce catalog according to your third-party listings settings.

Configure third-party listing settings

  1. Click Listing Settings on the store dashboard.

  2. Expand the Third Party Listings section.

  3. For Import Third Party Listings (required), choose an option:

    • Import Listing - (Default) Choose when you want product information from your Amazon listings to import into your Commerce product catalog. This option is the default and is recommended.

    • Do Not Import Listing - Choose when you want to manually create and assign new products to your Commerce catalog for your Amazon listings.

    note note
    The following options fields are only active when set to Import Listing.
  4. For Attribute That Contains Amazon Seller SKU, choose the Commerce attribute that matches to the Amazon Seller SKU value.

  5. For Attribute That Contains Amazon ASIN, choose the Commerce attribute that you created and match it to the Amazon ASIN.

    note note
    If you did not create these Commerce attributes for your Amazon listings, see Creating Attributes for Amazon Matching.
  6. When complete, click Save listing settings.

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Import Third Party Listings

Required. Options:

  • Import Listing - (Default) Choose when you want product information from your Amazon listings to import into your Commerce product catalog.
  • Do Not Import Listing - Choose when you want to manually create and assign new products to your Commerce catalog for your Amazon listings.
Attribute That Contains Amazon Seller SKU
Only active when set to Import Listing.
Choose the Commerce attribute as a match to the Amazon attribute for the Amazon Seller SKU. If this attribute does not exist, see Creating Amazon Product Attributes for Amazon Matching. If needed, review your Commerce attributes and create or edit an attribute to match to this Amazon data.
Attribute That Contains Amazon ASIN
Only active when set to Import Listing.
Choose the Commerce attribute that matches to the Amazon attribute for the Amazon ASIN. If this attribute does not exist, see Creating Amazon Product Attributes for Amazon Matching. If needed, review your Commerce attributes and create or edit an attribute to match to this Amazon data.

Quick Access - Listing Settings sections
