Ineligible Amazon listings

The Ineligible tab shows a list of all the products that are currently published on Amazon but are not eligible as a listing based on your current listing rules. If a previous product was eligible and the listing rules are modified to make it now ineligible, the quantity associated with a product drops to 0 and the product is marked as ineligible. However, it is still present on your Amazon Seller Account.

To move a product out of the Ineligible tab, you can modify your listing rules to allow your products to be eligible.

The available actions on the Ineligible tab include:

Under Actions:

Under Select in the Action column:

If you have listings in process, the number of listings is displayed in a message above the tabs.

Ineligible Amazon listings {width="600" modal="regular"}

Amazon sales channel home pages share some common workspace controls that allow you to customize the data that is displayed.

Default columns

Amazon Seller SKU
The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) assigned by Amazon to a product to identify the product, options, price, and manufacturer.
A unique block of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items.

ASIN stands for the Amazon Standard Identification Number. An ASIN is a unique block of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items. For books, the ASIN is the same as the ISBN number, but for all other products a new ASIN is created when the item is uploaded to their catalog. You can find an items ASIN on the product detail page on Amazon, along with further details relating to the item.
Product Listing Name
The name of the product.
The condition of the product.
Landed Price
The listing price for the product plus its shipping price.
Amazon Quantity
The quantity available when the product is actively listed on Amazon.

List of available actions that can be applied to a specific listing. To apply an action, click Select in the Action column and select an option:
