Media Gallery folder management

Use folders to organize images in the new Media Gallery. As the number of media assets increases, folders make it easier to locate and manage existing assets in your media gallery.

Create a folder

You can only create a folder in the pub/media/wysywig and pub/media/catalog/category folders.
  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Media > Media Gallery.

  2. Click Create Folder.

    If you want to create a subfolder, select the parent folder before clicking Create Folder.

  3. Enter the new folder name and click Confirm.

    New Folder Name {width="600" modal="regular"}

Delete a folder

Deleting a folder causes the removal of all the images within that folder. You can only delete a folder in the pub/media/wysywig and pub/media/catalog/category folders.
  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Media > Media Gallery.

  2. Select the folder to be deleted.

    Select Folder {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. Click Delete Folder.

  4. To confirm the folder deletion, click OK.
