Create a role

  1. Clicks Add New Role.

    Add New Role

  2. Enters a descriptive Role Name.

  3. Under Role Permissions, does one of the following:

    • Selects the checkbox of each resource or activity that users assigned the role have permission to access.

    • Selects the All checkbox and clears the checkbox of each resource or activity that users assigned to the role do not have permission to access.

  4. Clicks Save Role.

  5. Creates as many roles as necessary by repeating these steps.

Modify a role

  1. For the role to be modified, the company administrator clicks Edit in the Actions column.

  2. Makes the necessary changes to the name and permission settings.

  3. When complete, clicks Save Role.

Duplicate a role

  1. For the role to be duplicated, the company administrator clicks Duplicate in the Actions column.

  2. Makes the necessary changes to the name and permission settings.

  3. When complete, clicks Save Role.

Delete a role

  1. The company administrator finds the role to be deleted In the list of roles.

    Only roles without assigned users can be deleted.

  2. Clicks Delete in the Actions column.

  3. When prompted to confirm, clicks OK.