Configure enrichment activities

The enrichment activity is a workflow object that adds data to the working table. Using the enrichment activity allows you to add columns to a table that store additional data or define new links to other existing data.

Learn how to configure an enrichment activity based on delivery log information.

In this video, we will discuss how to configure the Enrichment activity.
An Enrichment activity is a workflow object that allows the user to add data to the working table. With an Enrichment, you can add columns to the table to hold additional data or define new links from that working table to other existing data.
In this example, we want to segment to targeting into two groups. One group with recipients, who have received up to three emails but have not opened an email, another group with recipients who have received at least three emails and have two opens or more.
The final workflow will look like this.
In your campaign, go to Targeting and workflow tab.
Drag and drop at Query to configure your selection logic.
In this example, we are selecting recipients of the Training folder.
Drag and drop an Enrichment activity and connect it to your query.
Then, double click it and select Add data.
In this example, we will be using the data link to filtering dimension functionality to aggregate the number of opens and deliveries. Other Enrichment functionalities allow you to select data from an external database with the external radio button, create placeholder fields in the working table for the offer engine to populate or specify exactly what offers you want to populate the fields with. This is done using the offer proposition radio button.
Or, finally, create a link between your working table and another table using a set of keys, allowing you to join these tables. This is accomplished by using the link radio button.
Now, select Data linked to the filtering dimension and click Next.
Select the same option again and expand the Targeting dimension.
Double click on the Delivery logs table, then change the Data collected dropdown to Aggregates.
Click Next on the filtering screen.
We will be counting the number of unique deliveries sent to our recipients using an advanced expression.
On the right hand side, click Add, then on the Edit expression button.
Select Advanced selection.
Click on the Aggregate radio button and select Count.
Then click Next.
Select the Primary key from the Recipients Delivery table, and click Finish.
The Output column has been created.
Change the alias to something meaningful. We have chosen to call it countDeliveries since we are accounting the number of unique deliveries with the primary key.
Then click Finish.
Back in the Enrichment main screen, select Add data again, then data from the filtering dimension twice. Expand Targeting, double click on the Recipient Tracking logs table.
Once again, select the Data collected dropdown, and change it to Aggregates.
Tracking logs allow us to see which recipients have opened the delivery or clicked on a URL. In our example, we will be checking which recipients have opened two or more emails.
In the Filter screen, edit the expression and select Url, and then Type.
Set the Operator to equal to.
In our example, we are concerned with emails that have been opened, so select Open under Value.
In the Data to add screen, add a new Expression in the right panel, edit the Expression. Then select Advanced selection, change the Formula type to Aggregate, and select Count, click Next.
In the Fields to select, expand the Url table and select Type.
Change the alias to something meaningful, like we’ve done previously. We put countOpens for our example, then click on Finish.
Click Ok to exit the Enrichment. Drag and drop Split activity, and double click to open it.
We are using the Split activity to filter recipients. In our example, one branch will check which recipients have received at least three emails and opened two or more emails. Another branch will check which recipients have received three emails, but have not opened any of them.
In the Split general tab, change the Filtering settings to Use the additional data to limit the data to our inbound Enrichment activity.
Also, it is good practice to use the Generate compliment option to see which recipients do not meet the Split conditions.
Go back to the Subsets tab.
Change the Label of the first segment to 3 deliveries or less, 0 opens.
Select Add a filtering condition, then the Edit link.
Expand the Expression and select the Delivery count aggregated field.
Change the Operator to less than or equal to, and select 3 in the Value field.
Add another Expression, and select the Opens aggregate count field. Change the Operator to is empty to capture recipients that have zero opens.
Then click Finish.
Add another subset to the Split and update the label to Greater than 3 deliveries and Greater or equal to 2 Opens.
Select Add a filtering condition, and then the Edit link.
Expand the Expression and select Delivery count aggregated field. Change the Operator to greater than or equal to, and enter the value 3.
Add another Expression, and select the Opens aggregated count field.
Change the Operator to greater than or equal to, and put 2 in the Value field, click Finish.
We have successfully configured an Enrichment activity. -