[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Customize the emoticon list customize-emoticons

The emoticon list displayed in the pop-up is ruled by an enumeration which allows you to display values in a list to restrict the choices that the user has for a given field.
The emoticon list order can be customized, you can also add other emoticons to your list.

Note that emoticons are only available for email and push. For more on this refer to this page.

Adding a new emoticon add-new-emoticon

The emoticon list can not display more than 81 entries.
  1. Choose your new emoticon to add from this page. Note that it has to be compatible with the different platforms such as browser and OS.

  2. From the Explorer, select Administration > Platform > Enumerations and click the Emoticon list out-of-the-box enumeration.

    note note
    Out-of-the-box enumerations can only be managed by an administrator of your Adobe Campaign Classic console.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Fill in the fields:

    • U+: Code of your new emoticon. You can find the list of emoticons’ codes in this page.
      To avoid compatibility issues, we advise you to choose emoticons which are supported on browsers and on every operation system.

    • Label: Label of your new emoticon.

  5. Click Ok then Save when your configuration is finished.
    Your new emoticon will be automatically placed in the store.

  6. To display it in the Insert emoticon window of your deliveries, select your newly created emoticon by double-clicking it.

  7. Choose in the Display order drop-down in which order your new emoticon will be displayed. Note that by selecting an already assigned display order the existing emoticon will be automatically moved to the store.

    In this example, we chose the display order number 61 which means that if an entry already had this order it will automatically be moved to the store and our new entry will take its place in the enumeration list.

  8. Your new emoticon has now been added to the Insert emoticon list out-of-the-box enumeration. You can change its Display order at any time or move it to the store if you do not need it anymore.

  9. For your changes to be taken into account, disconnect then reconnect from Adobe Campaign Classic. If your new emoticon still doesn’t appear in the Insert emoticon pop-up window, you might need to clear your cache. For more on this, refer to this section.

  10. Your new emoticon can now be found in your deliveries in the Insert emoticon pop-up window in the 61st position as configured in the previous steps. For more information on how to use emoticons in your deliveries, refer to this page.

  11. If the following emoticons appear in your Insert emoticon pop-up window, this means that they were not correctly configured. Check if your U+ code or Display order is correct in the Emoticon list.
