Also applies to v8
Managing offer templates
- Topics:
- Interaction
- Offers
- Templates
Offer templates are delivered out-of-box in Adobe Campaign. You may use them after creating your offers, duplicating them or adapting their configuration to your needs. You can also create your own templates. Template offers are stored in the folder Resources > Templates > Offer templates.
Creating an offer template
To create a template offer, follow these steps:
Go to Resources > Templates > Offer templates.
Click the New icon.
Configure your template by applying the same process as for a normal offer, then save it by clicking Save.
Duplicate an existing template
To duplicate an offer template (out-of-the-box or not), take the following steps:
Go to Resources > Templates > Offer templates.
Using the mouse, right click on the template that you wish to duplicate and select Duplicate from the drop-down menu.
If necessary, configure the settings you wish to see appear in the template, then save the template by clicking Save.
This template will now be offered when creating an offer.