Configure access to PostgreSQL configure-fda-postgresql

Use Campaign Federated Data Access (FDA) option to process information stored in an external PostgreSQL database.

PostgreSQL configuration postgresql-configuration

You first need to install Libpq. Libpq allows client programs to send queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive these queries’ results.

Follow the steps below to configure access to PostgreSQL:

  • For CentOS, execute the following command sudo apt-get -y install libpq-dev.

  • For Linux, execute the following command yum install postgresql-devel.

  • For Windows, Libpq is implemented through libpq.dll which is included in Adobe Campaign installation.

In Adobe Campaign, you can then configure your PostgreSQL external account. For more on how to configure your external account, refer to this section.

PostgreSQL external account postgresql-external

PostgreSQL is available on CentOS 7 and 6.

You need to create a PostgreSQL external account to connect your Campaign instance to your PostgreSQL external database.

  1. From Campaign Explorer, click Administration ‘>’ Platform ‘>’ External accounts.

  2. Click New.

  3. Select External database as your external account’s Type.

  4. Under Configuration, select PostgreSQL, Greenplum from the Type drop-down.

  5. Configure the PostgreSQL external account authentication:

    • Server: URL of the PostgreSQL server.

    • Account: Name of the user.

    • Password: User account password.

    • Database: Name of the database (optional).

    • Working schema: Name of your working schema. Learn more

    • Timezone: Timezone set in PostgreSQL. Learn more

  6. Click the Parameters tab then the Deploy functions button to create functions.

    note note
    For all functions to be available, you need to create the Adobe Campaign SQL functions in the remote database. For more information, refer to this page.
  7. Click Save when your configuration is finished.

The connector supports the following options:

Maximum wait for connection, in seconds.
For more on this, refer to PostgreSQL documentation.
Number of seconds of inactivity after which the TCP should send a keepalive message to the server.
For more on this, refer to PostgreSQL documentation.
Number of seconds after which the TCP keepalive message not acknowledged by the server should be retransmitted.
For more on this, refer to PostgreSQL documentation.
Number of TCP keepalives that can be lost before the client’s connection to the server is considered dead.
For more on this, refer to PostgreSQL documentation.