Add attachments to an email delivery

Learn how to add attachments to an email delivery and how to configure different types of email attachments.

Welcome to Adobe Campaign Classic. In this video, we are going to describe how to attach files to an easy file option. As shown here in this window, we have an email template opened up in the deliveries tab.
We have two options for attachments. We can attach a local file or a calculated attachment. A calculated attachment can have personalized fields and the name of the file will be calculated during the delivery and analysis phase.
In order to attach a file, click on the attachments. Once we click on attachments sync, a pop-up opens, which reads edit attached files. In this popup, click on the add button. The add dropdown has two options which read file and calculated attachment. In order to append a local file or attach a local file, click on the file option. Once the file option is clicked, the file manager opens up, from which the required local file can be selected and uploaded to the server. Once the file has been uploaded to the server, click on OK. You can also directly drag and drop the file in the delivery attachments field or you can use the attachment node here which will open file manager to add the required local file.
Once the file is selected, it is immediately uploaded onto the server and it is available at the time of delivery. It is listed in the attachments field.
When you create a calculated, click on OK. Tuned can be computed during analysis or delivery of each message. It can also be personalized and converted to PDFs.
In this window shown here, we are going to create a attachment. Follow similar steps, click on attachment and in the ad dropdown, click on calculated attachment. An attachment definition pop up opens. In the general tab. click on the type of the attachment that you would like. The options available are the file name is specified when creating the delivery template. The content of the file is personalized and converted to PDF during the delivery of each message. The file name is computed during delivery analysis, it cannot depend on the recipient profile. And the file name is completed during delivery for each message, it can depend on the recipient profile.
If the attachment is a local file, select the option file name is specified when creating the delivery template.
Specify the label if necessary. The label will replace the file name in a messaging system. If nothing is specified, the file name is used by default.
Select a local file from your system. You can click on the browser option here in order to allow the file manager to pop up and to select the files from there.
If necessary, select upload file on the server and then click on update on server.
A progress bar shows up, which indicates how much of the file has been updated to the server.
Once the file has been completely uploaded to server. click on OK.
The file is then available on the server to be attached to different deliveries created from this template.
The second option, which is the file content is personalized and converted into PDF format at the time of delivery for each message, allows you to select a file with personalization fields, like the file which is shown here. In this file, we have a personalization field for recipient’s first name and recipient’s last name. The contents of this line will be replaced during the time of delivery with that specific recipients data.
For this type of attachment you can apply the second option.
We follow similar steps.
In the attachment definition, select the type as the content of the file is personalized and converted to PDF during delivery of each message, which is the second option.
Select the file which you would like to upload.
Apply and label.
Upload the file on the server and update on server.
It will be uploaded onto the server. Personalized fields, you can display a preview. In order to display a preview, there is a preview option given below. Click on the recipients which you would like to see in the preview.
A preview opens as shown here. Because we have selected the profile Royal Anna, the personalized wheel shows the name of the recipient.
After you analyze your delivery, you can then start it.
Each recipient receives a personalized PDF attached to the delivery, as shown here.
This is the PDF which is received by the recipient for Anna Royal.
You can calculate the attachment name during the delivery preparation. To do this, we can select the third option which is the file name is calculated during delivery analysis where it cannot depend on the recipient.
This option is used when the delivery is sent by an external process or workflow.
In this case, in the general tab, you can select the file the type as third one, give a label.
There’s a tab available where you can select and specify the access path of the file and it’s exact name. This is called the definition window.
As you can see the file name is computed during delivery analysis and it’s the same for each recipient, which means it is independent of the recipient.
After you have configured this, click on, OK file will be uploaded to the server, analyze and then start your delivery.
The file name computation can be seen in the analysis log.
When selecting the attachment, you can choose the option, the file name is calculated during delivery for each recipient, but in this case it can written on the recipient, so this is the fourth option.
As mentioned here, you can give the file a label in the definition window.
You can specify the access part of the file and its exact name. If the file name is personalized you can use the personalization fields for the relevant values. For example, this personalization field is appended to the file names here which is an example shown here where each of the file names has a different recipient name attached to it.
After this configuration is done, click on OK.
An important point to note here is the file must be present on the server.
In this example, the attached file was chosen according to its name as defined using the merge fields.
Because we have selected the recipient as Anna Royal, the file which was selected here is flyer with -Royal.odt. So, the file name has been created during the delivery and analysis phase according to the recipient selected.
We can define the attachment settings. For the first two options where we have uploaded a local file as well as we have an option for creating a period. In both of these options you can choose upload file on the server. By selecting the appropriate app option they update the file on the server, Link lets you start uploading, lets you that the file has been uploaded to the server. In this case, we can see a green arrow which shows by all access on the server. In the case where there is a change of file a warning message is displayed which reads the local file is not equal to the one on the server. In that case, you can re-upload the file and update on the server.
Advanced tab lets you define advanced options on attached files.
You can define three of those to avoid sending the attached files to all the recipients. Click on the type of the attached. This activates an input field used to define a recipient selection script. This script must be written in java script. You can script the name of the file in order to personalize it.
Enter your text in the window and use the personalization fields available, which can be seen by clicking on this button.
In the example given here the file name is personalized to contain today’s date and the name of the recipient. As seen here, we have the recipient’s first name and the date. In the preview you can see that the file which was uploaded for the specific recipient has the name of the recipient which reads Anna as well as the date.