Integrate adaptive form with database using AEM workflow submit-forms-to-database-using-forms-portal

Automated Forms Conversion service (AFCS) allows you to convert a non-interactive PDF form, an Acro Form, or an XFA based PDF form into an adaptive form. While initiating the conversion process, you have the option of generating an adaptive form either with or without data bindings.

If you select to generate an adaptive form without data bindings, you can integrate the converted adaptive form with a form data model, XML schema, or a JSON schema after conversion. For form data model, you need to bind adaptive form fields manually with the form data model. However, if you generate an adaptive form with data bindings, the conversion service automatically associates the adaptive form(s) with a JSON schema and creates a data binding between the fields available in the adaptive form and JSON schema. You can then integrate the adaptive form with a database of your choice, fill data in the form, and submit it to the database. Similarly, after successful integration with the database, you can configure fields in the converted adaptive form to retrieve values from the database and prefill adaptive form fields.

The following figure depicts different stages of integrating a converted adaptive form with a database:

database integration

This article describes the step-by-step instructions to successfully execute all these integration stages.

Pre-requisites pre-requisites

  • Setup an AEM 6.4 or 6.5 author instance
  • Install latest service pack for your AEM instance
  • Latest version of the AEM Forms add-on package
  • Configure Automated Forms Conversion service
  • Setup a database. The database used in the sample implementation is MySQL 5.6.24. However, you can integrate the converted adaptive form with any database of your choice.

Sample adaptive form sample-adaptive-form

To execute the use case to integrate converted adaptive forms with database using an AEM workflow, download the following sample PDF file.

You can download the sample Contact Us form using:

Get File

The PDF file serves as the input to the Automated Forms Conversion service (AFCS). The service converts this file to an adaptive form. The following image depicts the sample contact us form in a PDF format.

sample loan application form

Install mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar file install-mysql-connector-java-file

Perform the following steps, on all the author and publish instances, to install the mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar file:

  1. Navigate to http://server:port/system/console/depfinder and search for com.mysql.jdbc package.
  2. In the Exported by column, check if the package is exported by any bundle. Proceed if the package is not exported by any bundle.
  3. Navigate to http://server:port/system/console/bundles and click Install/Update.
  4. Click Choose File and browse to select the mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar file. Also, select Start Bundle and Refresh Packages checkboxes.
  5. Click Install or Update. Once complete, restart the server.
  6. (Windows only) Turn off the system firewall for your operating system.

Prepare data for form model prepare-data-for-form-model

AEM Forms Data Integration allows you to configure and connect to disparate data sources. After generating an adaptive form using the conversion process, you can define the form model based on a form data model, XSD, or a JSON schema. You can use a database, Microsoft Dynamics, or any other third-party service to create a form data model.

This tutorial uses the MySQL database as the source to create a form data model. Create a schema in the database and add contactus table to the schema based on the fields that are available in the adaptive form.

Sample data mysql

You can use the following DDL statement to create the contactus table in database.

CREATE TABLE `contactus` (
   `name` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
   `email` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
   `phonenumber` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
   `issuedesc` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (`email`)

Configure connection between AEM instance and database configure-connection-between-aem-instance-and-database

Perform the following configuration steps to create a connection between AEM instance and the MYSQL database:

  1. Go to AEM Web Console Configuration page at http://server:port/system/console/configMgr.

  2. Find and click to open Apache Sling Connection Pooled DataSource in edit mode in the Web Console Configuration. Specify the values for properties as described in the following table:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 12-row-2 13-row-2 14-row-2 15-row-2 html-authored
    Property Value
    Datasource name A datasource name for filtering drivers from the data source pool.
    JDBC driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    JDBC connection URI jdbc//[host]:[port]/[schema_name]
    Username A username to authenticate and perform actions on database tables
    Password Password associated with the username
    Transaction Isolation READ_COMMITTED
    Max Active Connections 1000
    Max Idle Connections 100
    Min Idle Connections 10
    Initial Size 10
    Max Wait 100000
    Test on Borrow Checked
    Test while Idle Checked
    Validation Query Example values are SELECT 1(mysql), select 1 from dual(oracle), SELECT 1(MS Sql Server) (validationQuery)
    Validation Query timeout 10000

Create form data model create-form-data-model

Once you configure MYSQL as the data source, execute the following steps to create a form data model:

  1. In AEM author instance, navigate to Forms > Data Integrations.

  2. Tap Create > Form Data Model.

  3. In the Create Form Data Model wizard, specify workflow_submit as the name for the form data model. Tap Next.

  4. Select the MYSQL data source that you have configured in the previous section and tap Create.

  5. Tap Edit and expand the data source listed in the left pane to select contactus table, get, and insert services, and tap Add Selected.

    Sample data mysql

  6. Select the data model object in the right pane and tap Edit Properties. Select get and insert from Read Service and Write Service drop-down lists. Specify the arguments for the Read service and tap Done.

  7. In the Services tab, select the get service and tap Edit Properties. Select the Output Model Object, disable the Return array toggle, and tap Done.

  8. Select the Insert service and tap Edit Properties. Select the Input Model Object and tap Done.

  9. Tap Save to save the form data model.

You can download the sample Form Data Model using:

Get File

Generate adaptive forms with JSON binding generate-adaptive-forms-with-json-binding

Use the Automated Forms Conversion service (AFCS) to convert the Contact Us form to an adaptive form with data binding. Ensure that you do not select the Generate adaptive form(s) without data bindings check box while generating the adaptive form.

Adaptive form with JSON binding

Select the converted Contact Us form available in the output folder in Forms & Documents and tap Edit. Tap Preview, enter values in the adaptive form fields and tap Submit.

Log on to crx-repository and navigate to /content/forms/fp/admin/submit/data to view the submitted values in JSON format. The following is the sample data in JSON format when you submit the converted Contact Us adaptive form:

  "afData": {
    "afUnboundData": {
      "data": {}
    "afBoundData": {
      "data": {
        "name1": "Gloria",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "2346578965",
        "issue_description": "Test message"
    "afSubmissionInfo": {
      "computedMetaInfo": {},
      "stateOverrides": {},
      "signers": {},
      "afPath": "/content/dam/formsanddocuments/docs_conversion/output/sample_form_json",
      "afSubmissionTime": "20191204014007"

You need to create a workflow model now that can process this data and submit it to the MYSQL database using the form data model that you have created in the previous sections.

Create a workflow model to process JSON data create-workflow-model

Execute the following steps to create a workflow model to submit the adaptive form data to the database:

  1. Open the Workflow Models console. The default URL is https://server:port/libs/cq/workflow/admin/console/content/models.html/etc/workflow/models.

  2. Select Create, then Create Model. The Add Workflow Model dialog appears.

  3. Enter the Title and Name (optional). For example, workflow_json_submit. Tap Done to create the model.

  4. Select the workflow model and tap Edit to open the model in edit mode. Tap + and add Invoke Form Data Model Service step to the workflow model.

  5. Tap the Invoke Form Data Model Service step and tap Configure .

  6. In the Form Data Model tab, select the form data model that you have created in the Form Data Model path field and select insert from the Service drop-down list.

  7. In the Input for Service tab, select Provide input data using literal, variable, or a workflow metadata, and a JSON file from the drop-down list, select Map input fields from input JSON checkbox, select Relative to payload, and provide data.xml as the value for the Select input JSON document using field.

  8. In the Service Arguments section, provide the following values for the form data model arguments:

    Invoke Form Data Model Service

    Notice that the form data model fields, for example, contactus dot name, is mapped to, which refers to the JSON schema bindings for the submitted adaptive form.

Configure adaptive form submission configure-adaptive-form-submission

Execute the following steps to submit the adaptive form to the workflow model that you have created in the previous section:

  1. Select the converted Contact Us form available in the output folder in Forms & Documents and tap Edit.

  2. Open adaptive form properties by tapping Form Container and then tapping Configure .

  3. In the Submission section, select Invoke an AEM workflow from the Submit Action drop-down list, select the workflow model that you created in the previous section, and specify data.xml in the Data File Path field.

  4. Tap Save to save the properties.

  5. Tap Preview, enter values in the adaptive form fields and tap Submit. The submitted values now display in the MYSQL database table instead of crx-repository.

Configure adaptive form to prefill values from database

Execute the following steps to configure adaptive form to prefill values from the MYSQL database based on the primary key defined in the table (E-mail in this case):

  1. Tap the E-mail field in the adaptive form and tap Edit rule .

  2. Tap Create and select is changed from the Select State drop-down list in the When section.

  3. In the Then section, select Invoke Service and get as the service for the form data model that you have created in a previous section of this article.

  4. Select E-mail in the Input section and the rest three fields of the form data model, Name, Phone Number, and Issue Description in the Output section. Tap Done to save the settings.

    Configure Email Prefill Settings

    As a result, based on existing E-mail entries in the MYSQL database, you can prefill the values for the rest three fields in the Preview mode of the adaptive form. For example, if you specify in the E-mail field (based on existing data in Prepare form data model section of this article) and tab out of the field, the rest three fields, Name, Phone Number, and Issue Description display automatically in the adaptive form.

You can download the sample converted adaptive form using:

Get File
